मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान) Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Centre for Energy & Environment
Head of Department
Dr. Kapil Pareek
Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Hydrogen Energy, Battery),M.Tech.(Materials Sci. & Engineering),Post-doc(Hydrogen Energy) Research Interests : Hydrogen Energy, Machine Learning, Battery Technology. kapil.cee@mnit.ac.in 01412713395 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Assistant Professor
Dr. Amartya Chowdhury
Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Photovoltaics),Post-doc(Photovoltaics),Post Doc(Photovoltaics) Research Interests : Commercial solar photovoltaic panels, Low Concentrated Photovoltaic Systems, Building Integrated Photovoltaics, Thermal Management of PV Modules. amartya.cee@mnit.ac.in 01412713573 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Dr. Aneesh Prabhakar
Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Mechanical Engineering),M.Tech.(Thermal Sciences),B.Tech.(Mechanical Engineering) Research Interests : Thermal management, Hydrogen energy, Solar thermal systems, Heat transfer - Experiments and Simulations, Solar passive designs, Thermal energy storage. aneesh.cee@mnit.ac.in 01412713247 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Dr. Parul Mathuria
Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Electrical Engineering),M.Tech.(Power System),B.E.(Electrical Engineering) Research Interests : Energy Management in Smart grid, Energy Sector Policies , Energy Economics, Electrical Vehicles, Electricity Markets, Smart Buildings, Green Hydrogen. parul.cee@mnit.ac.in 01412713248 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile ResearchGate Profile
Professor-HAG Ph.D.,M.Tech.,B.E. Research Interests : Energy efficiency in buildings, Passive cooling systems, Renewable energy and energy policy modelling, Development of codes and standards, Low energy cooling, Thermal comfort in buildings, Thermal energy storage. jmathur.mech@mnit.ac.in 01412713211 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Prof. Rohit Bhakar
Professor Ph.D.(Electrical Engineering),M.Tech.(Power System Engineering),B.E.(Electrical Engineering) Research Interests : Power Systems Restructuring, Power Systems Economics, Network Pricing, Electricity Markets, Game Theory, Risk Management, Ancillary Services, Energy Storage, Grid Integration of Renewables, Cyber Security, Power System Planning, Digitalised and Decentralised Energy Systems, Decarbonised Energy Systems, System Operations and Planning. rbhakar.ee@mnit.ac.in 01412713422 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Prof. Sanjay Mathur
Professor Ph.D.(Civil Engineering),M.E.(Environmental Engineering),B.E.(Civil Engineering) Research Interests : Environmentally Sustainable Buildings, Energy efficiency in buildings, Water efficiency in buildings, Thermal comfort in buildings, Environmental Impact Assessment, Wastewater Treatment, Water Treatment . smathur.ce@mnit.ac.in 01412713165 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile Biosketch
Dr. Vikas Kumar Sangal
Associate Professor Ph.D.(Chemical Engineering),M.Tech.(Chemical Engineering),B.E.(Chemical Engineering) Research Interests : Industrial Pollution Abatement, Modelling And Simulation, Photcatalytic oxidation, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Dividing wall column, Electrochemical Treatment. vksangal.chem@mnit.ac.in 09549650367 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile ResearchGate Profile
2024REN9513 Research Interests :Sustainability Supervisors :Dr. Sunanda Sinha 2024REN9513@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Supriya
2024REN9008 Research Interests :Electric Vehicle, Energy Planning and Management, Power system operation and contr Supervisors :Dr. Parul Mathuria 2024ren9008@mnit.ac.in
2024REN9006 Research Interests :Bio Energy Supervisors :Dr. Vivekanand 2024REN9006@mnit.ac.in
2021REN9014 Research Interests :Bioenergy Supervisors :Dr. Vivekanand 2021ren9014@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Shubham Sharma
2020REN9633 Research Interests :Soiling Impact on Solar PV Supervisors :Dr Sunanda Sinha 2020ren9633@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Aaquib Firdous
2020REN9631 Research Interests :Green Hydrogen, Sector Coupling, Power system Flexibility Supervisors :Dr. Parul Mathuria and Dr. Rohit Bhakar 2020ren9631@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Priyanka Rai
2020REN9630 Research Interests :Net Zero energy building Supervisors :Dr. Amartya Chowdhury 2020ren9630@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Kartik Kumar
2020REN9629 Research Interests :Battery Fault and Analysis Supervisors :Dr. Kapil Pareek 2020ren9629@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Virendra Sharma
2020REN9627 Research Interests :Energy efficiency in buildings Supervisors :Dr. Jyotirmay Mathur 2020ren9627@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Ashish Shukla
2020REN908 Research Interests :DECENTRALIZED ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN SMART GRIDS Supervisors :Dr. Parul Mathuria 2020ren9084@mnit.ac.in
Mrs. Archana Singh Chauhan (Rathore)
2018ren9020 Research Interests :Climate responsive neighbourhood Supervisors :Dr. Tarush Chandra / Dr. Sanjay Mathur 2018ren9020@mnit.ac.in
PhD Awarded
Dr. Rojo Kurian Daniels
2020REN9632 Thesis Title :Studies on Thermal Runaway Propagation in Lithium-ion Battery Modules Supervisors :Dr. Aneesh Prabhakar Year of Award :2025 2020ren9632@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Vikash Kumar Saini
2019REN9033 Thesis Title :. Supervisors :Prof. Rajesh Kumar Year of Award :2024 2019ren9033@mnit.ac.in 9251282711
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Sharma
2019REN9015 Thesis Title :Studies on hybrid thermal management of Li-ion battery module for high ambient temperature conditions Supervisors :Dr. Aneesh Prabhakar Year of Award :2024 2019REN9015@mnit.ac.in 7665617050
Dr. Rohit Vijay
2019REN9013 Thesis Title :TSO-DSO Coordination for Ancillary Service Provisions Supervisors :Dr. Parul Mathuria Year of Award :2024 2019REN9013@mnit.ac.in 9462926859
Dr. Gyanesh Gupta
2018ren9045 Thesis Title :Development of Framework for energy – efficiency based benchmarking of residential building in India Supervisors :Dr.-Ing. Jyotirmay Mathur Year of Award :2024 2018ren9045@mnit.ac.in 9649999501
Dr. Apoorva Upadhyay
2018ren9019 Thesis Title :Biogas Upgradation by CO2 Sequestration Supervisors :Dr. Vivekanand Year of Award :2024 2018ren9019@mnit.ac.in 9672716563
Dr. Bibhu Kalyan Naik
2016ren9037 Thesis Title :Development of Residential Archetypes Based on End-use Energy Consumption Supervisors :Dr. Tarush Chandra Year of Award :2024 2016ren9037@mnit.ac.in 9938836972
Dr. Gautam Raina
2019REN9131 Thesis Title :Performance Assessment of Bifacial Photovoltaic Modules Supervisors :Dr Sunanda Sinha Year of Award :2023 2019ren9131@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Monika Agrawal
2018REN9081 Ph.D Thesis Title :Performance analysis of solar photovoltaic module with spectrally selective flat reflector system. Supervisors :Dr. Amartya Chowdhury Year of Award :2022 moneagr@gmail.com 9462150863
Dr. Yamujala Sumanth
2017REN9022 Ph.D.. Thesis Title :Operational Flexibility Enhancement in Low-Carbon Power Systems Supervisors :Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur , Dr. Rohit Bhakar Year of Award :2022 sumanthyamujala@gmail.com 8750245884
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma
2017REN9010 Thesis Title :Improving stack effect in semi-transparent Photovoltaic integrated Double Skin Façade for performance enhancement. Supervisors :Dr. Amartya Chowdhury, Dr. Sanjay Mathur Year of Award :2022 manojs965@gmail.com 8958879249
Dr. Sajan Preet
2017REN9011 Ph.D. Thesis Title :Photovoltaic Double skin façade with forced ventilation Supervisors :Dr. Sanjay Mathur, Dr. Amartya Chowdhury Year of Award :2022 sajanpreet25@gmail.com 7973627711
Dr. Anjali Jain
2017REN5505 Ph.D. Thesis Title :Modelling Operational Aspects in Long-term Power Generation Planning with High RE Penetration Supervisors :Dr. Rohit Bhakar , Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur Year of Award :2022 anjalijain025@gmail.com
Dr. Kunwar Paritosh
2017REN9030 Ph.D. Thesis Title :Studies on solid state anaerobic digestion of agricultural stubble and its simultaneous treatment for improved methanogenesis Supervisors :Dr. Vivekanand Year of Award :2021 2017REN9030@mnit.ac.in 9540499421
Dr. Bansilal Bairwa
2017ren9502 Ph.D. Thesis Title :Modeling and Performance Analysis of Li-ion Battery for Electric Vehicle Drive Cycles Supervisors :Dr Kapil Pareek Year of Award :2021 2017ren9502@mnit.ac.in 7665341082
Dr. Sunil Kumar
2017REN9081 Ph.D Thesis Title :Quantification of Occupant’s Adaptive Actions for Improving Indoor Environmental Quality in Buildings Supervisors :Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur, Prof. Sanjay Mathur Year of Award :2021 sansaniwal@gmail.com 9996815551
Dr. Mayank Vyas
2016REN9058 Ph.D Thesis Title :Fault Detection and Failure Assessment of Lithium-ion Battery Supervisors :Dr. Kapil Pareek Year of Award :2021 mayankvyas2006@gmail.com 9602119897
Dr. Monika Yadav
2016ren9012 Ph.D. Thesis Title :Studies of lignocellulosic biomass and its pretreatment for enhanced biogas production Supervisors :Dr. Vivekanand Year of Award :2021 2016ren9012@mnit.ac.in 9660365534
Dr. Avinash Kumar
2015REN9508 Ph.D. Thesis Title :Design of Selective Radiative Anti-Reflective Coating for Application in Solar Cell Supervisors :Dr. Amartya Chowdhury Year of Award :2021 avinash08330@gmail.com 9706420501
Dr. Shitanshu Sapre
2015REN9511 Ph.D. Thesis Title :Simulation and Analysis of Compressed Hydrogen Storage System for Fuel Cell Vehicle Supervisors :Dr. Kapil Pareek Year of Award :2021 ssapre7@gmail.com 9993046724
Dr. Priyam Tewari
2015REN9042 Thesis Title :Development of a Building Bioclimatic Design Chart for Evaporative Cooling in Composite Climate Supervisors :Dr. Sanjay Mathur, Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur Year of Award :2020 priyam.tewari23@gmail.com 8377093957
Dr. Partha Das
2013RCV9566 Ph.D Thesis Title :Long-Term System Planning for Large-Scale Renewable Energy Integration: Methodology Development Supervisors :Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur, Dr. Rohit Bhakar Year of Award :2020 partha67@gmail.com 8239375906
Dr. Mayank Bhatnagar
2013RCV9025 Ph.D. Thesis Title :Development of Reference Building Models for India. Supervisors :Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur, Professor Vishal Garg IIIT Hyderabad Year of Award :2019 mayank.23aug@gmail.com 9650880466
Dr. Shashank Vyas
2014REN9053 Ph.D Thesis Title :. Supervisors :Dr. Rajesh Kumar Year of Award :2018 shashankvyas335@gmail.com 9971017946
Dr. Prateek Srivastava
2014REN9047 Ph.D. Thesis Title :. Supervisors :Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur Year of Award :2018 prateeksrivastava028@gmail.com 9785749960
Dr. Anuj Mathur
2012RCV9026 Ph.D. Thesis Title :Comparative study of design and operational strategies for performance enhancement of earth air tunnel system Supervisors :Dr. Sanjay Mathur, Dr. G.D. Agarwal Year of Award :2017 anujmathur15@gmail.com 9982000532
Dr. Shankar Barman
2014REN9507 Thesis Title :. Supervisors :Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur, Dr. Sanjay Mathur Year of Award :2016 barman.sankar@gmail.com 7665186000
Dr. Kalkhambkar Vaiju
2012RCV9019 Supervisors :Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Dr. Rohit Bhakar kvaijnath@gmail.com 9610408703
Dr. Sanjay Jangra
2013RCV9026 Supervisors :Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur, Dr. Sanjay Mathur sanjuhissar@gmail.com 7728991075