मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Centre for Energy & Environment


" A Safety Assessment Method for IdentifyingThermal Runaway of Electrochemical Cell", Kapil Pareek, Ramdutt Arya, Kartik Kumar , Reg.No. 202411078847 [Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, Government of India.] Filed Dt.17-10-2024

"Portable Solar Tree", Dr. Sunanda Sinha and Dr. Souvik Ganguli , Reg.No. 368783-001 (Cleass 13-4) [Govt of India] Awarded Dt.04-08-2022

"A system and method for monitoring battery health using image analysis through deep-learning. ", Kapil Pareek, Kartik Kumar , Reg.No. 202111040548 [Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, Government of India] Filed Dt.09-09-2021

"A method and system for detecting fault and cause of fault in battery", Kapil Pareek, Mayank Vyas , Reg.No. 202111009590 [Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, Government of India. ] Published Application Dt.08-03-2021

"Ionic Solids and Molten Salts for Ambient Temperature Hydrogen Storage via Physisorption ", Kapil Pareek, Sun Yubao, Cheng Hansong , Reg.No. 61/833,794 [USPTO] Filed Dt.11-06-2013