मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


Journal Publications


Conference Publications


Research Projects


PhD Research Supervised

  • Ph.D.(Integrated Water Management ) from IIT Roorkee(2007)
    M.E.(Water Resources) from MNIT Jaipur(2000)
    B.E.(Civil Engineering) from M. B. M. Engg College, JNV University Jodhpur(1997)
Research Interests

Water Resource Engineering, Geospatial Analysis Technologies, Remote Sensing , GIS, Hydrological Modelling.

Brief Research Profile

Holds B.E. in Civil Engineering(Hons.); M. E. (Water Resources Engineering) and Ph.D. (Integrated Water Resource Management) from IIT Roorkee. The major areas of his research are Integrated Water Resources Management; Hydrological modelling; Climate change, Remote Sensing and GIS Applications.

  • 1. Ankan Jana, Mahesh Kumar Jat, Ankita Saxena and Mahender Choudhary , "Prediction of land use land cover changes of a river basin using the CA-Markov model" , Geocarto International (Taylor & Francis) Volume :38 / / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2022.2086634.
  • S. Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Jat, R. Sarkar, Abdullah H. Alsabhan, "Static and Dynamic Characterization of Fibre Reinforced Sand: A Numerical Investigation" , Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences (Elsevier) Volume :1 / 12 / 2022
  • 2021
  • M. Gupta, A. Kumar, S. Kumar, M. K. Jat , "Substance flow analysis of lead and chromium through wastewater management" , Bulgarian Chemical Communications ( Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) Volume :53 / 32-39 / 2021 DOI: DOI: 10.34049/bcc.53.D.14
  • Ankita Saxena, Mahesh Kumar Jat and S. Kumar , "Sensitivity Analysis and Retrieval of Optimum SLEUTH Model Parameters" , Geocarto International (Taylor & Francis) Volume :10 / 121 / 2021
  • Mahesh Kumar Jat, and Ankita Saxena, "SLEUTH model sensitivity testing: game of life, cellular neighborhood, and diffusivity" , Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer ) Volume :14 / 1-18 / 2021
  • Ankita Saxena, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and Keith C. Clarke, "Development of SLEUTH-Density for the simulation of built-up density" , Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (Elsevier) Volume :86 / 101586 / 2021
  • 2020
  • Arunava Poddar, Navsal Kumar, Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar, and Mahesh Kumar Jat , "Evaluation of non-linear root water uptake model under different agro-climates" , Current Science ( Indian Academy of Sciences) Volume :119 / 485-496 / 2020
  • Susheela Dahiya, P. K. Garg, Mahesh K Jat , "Automated Extraction of Slum Built-up Areas from Multispectral Imageries" , Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (Springer ) Volume :48 / 113-119 / 2020
  • Ankita Saxena and Mahesh Kumar Jat , "Land suitability and urban growth modelling: Development of SLEUTH-Suitability" , Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (Elsevier) Volume :81 / 101475 / 2020
  • 2019
  • Shuchi Mala and Mahesh Kumar Jat , "Geographic Information System Based Spatio-Temporal Disease Cluster Analysis and Mapping" , The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science (Elsevier) Volume :22 / 297-304 / 2019
  • Shuchi Mala and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Implications of meteorological and physiographical parameters on dengue fever occurrences in Delhi" , Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier) Volume :650 / 2267-2283 / 2019
  • Ankita Saxena and Mahesh Kumar Jat , "Capturing heterogeneous urban growth using SLEUTH model" , Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment (Elsevier) Volume :13 / 426-434 / 2019
  • 2018
  • Ankita Saxena, and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Analysing performance of SLEUTH model calibration using brute force and genetic algorithmbased methods" , Geocarto International (Taylor & Francis) Volume :35 / 256-279 / 2018
  • Ankita Saxena and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "An Integrated Approach for Natural Resources Monitoring Using Geo-Informatics and CA" , Journal of Rural Development (National Institute of Rural Development) Volume :37 / 341-354 / 2018
  • Arjita Saxena, Mahesh K. Jat, and Sudhir Kumar, "Application of GIS and MCE Techniques for Optimum Site Selection for Water Harvesting Structures" , Journal of Rural Development (National Institute of Rural Development) Volume :37 / 195-206 / 2018
  • Shuchi Mala and Mahesh Kumar Jat , "Spatial Modelling of Interactions between Dengue Incidences and Changing Climate by Integrating ANN Technique with GIS" , Journal of Rural Development (National Institute of Rural Development) Volume :37 / 245-258 / 2018
  • Nishant Roy, Rajib Sarkar, Kripamoy Sarkar, Mahesh Kumar Jat, Gaurav Fulwaria, "Assessment of Vulnerability of Rock Slope Considering Material and Seismic Variability" , Journal of the Geological Society of India (Springer) Volume :92 / 449-456 / 2018
  • 2017
  • Mahesh Kumar Jat, Mahender Choudhary, and Ankita Saxena, "Application of Geo-spatial Techniques and Cellular Automata for Modelling Urban Growth of a Heterogeneous Urban Fringe" , The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science (Elsevier) Volume :20 / 223-241 / 2017
  • Surendra Singh, and Mahesh Kumar Jat , "Assessment of Temperature Anomalies Trend at Local Scale for Delhi, India" , International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering (The CAFET INNOVA Technical Society ) Volume :10 / 62-74 / 2017
  • 2016
  • Ankita Saxena, Mahesh Kumar Jat and Mahender Choudhary , "Analysis of Urban Growth using Geospatial Techniques" , International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering (The CAFET INNOVA Technical Society ) Volume :9 / 01-10 / 2016
  • Santosh Pingale, Deepak Khare, Mahesh K. Jat, and Jan Adamowski , "Trend analysis of climatic variables in an arid and semi-arid region of Ajmer District, Rajasthan" , Journal of Water and Land Development (Polish Academy of Sciences) Volume :28 / 3-18 / 2016
  • Santosh Pingale, Mahesh K. Jat, Deepak Khare and Jan Adamowski, "Implications of Spatial Scale on Climate Change Assessments" , Journal of Water and Land Development (Polish Academy of Sciences) Volume :27 / 46-57 / 2016
  • 2015
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh K. Jat , "Evaluation of Root Water Uptake Models- a Review" , ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (Taylor and Francis) Volume :21 / 115-124 / 2015
  • Santosh Pingale, Mahesh K. Jat, Deepak Khare and Jan Adamowski , "Implications of Spatial Scale on Climate Change Assessments" , Journal of Water and Land Development (Polish Academy of Sciences) Volume :26 / 37-56 / 2015
  • 2014
  • Santosh Pingale, Mahesh K, Jat and Deepak Khare, "Integrated Urban Water Management Modelling Under Climate Change Scenarios" , Resource Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier) Volume :83 / 176-189 / 2014
  • Santosh Pingale, Deepak Khare, Mahesh K, Jat and Jan Adamowski , "Spatial and temporal trends of mean and extreme rainfall and temperature for the 33 urban centres of the arid and semi-arid state of Rajasthan, India" , Atmospheric Research Journal (Elsevier) Volume :138 / 73-90 / 2014
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar , "Evaluation of nonlinear root uptake model for uniform root zone vis-à-vis multi- layer root zone" , Journal of Irrigation and Drainage (ASCE) (American Society of Civil Engineers) Volume :140 / 1-10 / 2014
  • Vipin Upadhyay and Mahesh K. Jat , "Risk Assessment of Petroleum Fire Using Geo-Spatial Techniques" , International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (Spectrum) Volume :3 / 11-20 / 2014
  • R. Kumar, Mahesh K. Jat and V. Shankar , "Evaluation of modeling of water ecohydrologic dynamics in soil–root system" , Ecological Modelling (ELSEVIER) Volume :269 / 51-60 / 2014
  • 2013
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Mahesh Kumar and Vijay Shankar , "Soil moisture dynamics modeling enabled by hydraulic redistribution in multi-layer root zone" , Current Science (Indian Academy of Sciences) Volume :105 / 1373-1382 / 2013
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Mahesh Kumar and Vijay Shankar , "Efficacy of Non linear Root Water Uptake Model for Multi-Layer Crop Root Zone" , Irrigation and Drainage (ASCE) (American Society of Civil Engineering - ASCE) Volume :139 / 898-910 / 2013
  • Susheela D., P. K. Garg, Mahesh K Jat, "A comparative study of various pixel based image fusion techniques as applied to an urban environment" , International Journal of Image and Data Fusion (Taylor & Francis) Volume :4 / 197-213 / 2013
  • Susheela D., P. K. Garg, Mahesh K Jat, "Building Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Images" , International Journal of Computing Science and Communication Technologies (TECHNIA) Volume :5 / 829-834 / 2013
  • R. Kumar, V. Shankar and Mahesh K. Jat , "Soil Moisture Dynamics Modeling Considering Multi-Layer Root Zone" , Water Science & Technology (IWA Publishing) Volume :67 / 1778-1785 / 2013
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Mahesh K. Jat and Vijay Shankar , "Sensitivity analysis of non linear model parameters in multi-layer root zone" , Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE) (American Society of Civil Engineering - ASCE) Volume :19 / 462-471 / 2013
  • 2012
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Mahesh Kumar and Vijay Shankar , "Methods to estimate irrigated reference crop evapotranspiration- A review" , Water Science & Technology (IWA Publishing) Volume :66 / 525-535 / 2012
  • Susheela Dahiya, Pradeep Kumar Garg, and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Content Based Object Extraction From High Resolution Satellite Images" , International Journal of Engineering and Science Research (P&R Publications) Volume :28 / 157-170 / 2012
  • 2011
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar , "Modelling of Crop Reference Evapotranspiration: A Review" , Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology (Euresian Publications) Volume :1 / 239-246 / 2011
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar , "Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models for Pea (Pisum Sativum) in Mid Hill Zone-India" , Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology (Euresian Publications) Volume :1 / 329-337 / 2011
  • Nidhi Poonia, and Mahesh K. Jat, "Characterization and Treatment of Grey Water for Recycling" , Nature, Environment & Pollution Technology (Technoscience Publications) Volume :10 / 435-438 / 2011
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar, and Mahesh Kumar, "Development of crop coefficient for precise estimation of evapotranspiration for mustard in mid hill zone India" , Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology (Euresian Publications) Volume :1 / 531-538 / 2011
  • 2009
  • 17. Jat, Mahesh K., Khare, D., and Garg, P. K., , "Urbanisation and its impact on groundwater: A remote sensing and GIS based assessment approach" , Environment, Systems and Decisions -The Environmentalist (Springer) Volume :29 / 17-32 / 2009
  • Jat, Mahesh Kumar, Khare, D., Garg, P. K. and Vijay Shankar, "Degradation of watershed health due to Urbanisation: a remote sensing and GIS based assessment" , Urban Water (Elsevier, Science Direct) Volume :6 / 251-263 / 2009
  • Santosh Pingale, Deepak Khare, H. C. Sharma and Mahesh K Jat , "Design of Water Harvesting Structure based on Supply and Demand of Water in a Hilly Watershed" , Journal of Environmental Research and Development (SAGE Publishers) Volume :3 / 645-653 / 2009
  • 2008
  • Jat, Mahesh K., Garg, P. K., and Khare, D., , "Monitoring and Modelling of Urban sprawl Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques" , Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (Elsevier) Volume :10 / 26-43 / 2008
  • Jat, Mahesh K., Khare, D., and Garg, P. K.,, "Cost Models/Functions for Water Treatment" , Journal of Indian Water Works Association (IWWA) Volume :36 / 48-92 / 2008
  • 2007
  • Khare, D., Garg, P. K., Jat, Mahesh Kumar and Dhore K., , "Selection of Optimum Canal Alignment Using GIS: River Interlinking Perspective" , Indian Journal Power and River Valley Development (Connect Journals) Volume :57 / 112-121 / 2007
  • Jat, Mahesh Kumar, Garg, P. K., and Khare, D., , "Modelling of urban growth using spatial analysis techniques: A case study of Ajmer city (India), " , International Journal of Remote Sensing (Taylor & Francis) Volume :29 / 543-567 / 2007
  • Jat, Mahesh K., Khare, D., and Garg, P. K., , "Classification of Spectrally Mixing Land Use Classes: A Case Study of an Urban Fringe" , International Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (Spectrum Sciences) Volume :1 / 29-43 / 2007
  • Khare, D., Jat, Mahesh Kumar , and Devasunder, J. K., , "Assessment of water resources allocation options: conjunctive use planning in a link canal command" , Resource Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier) Volume :51 / 487-506 / 2007
  • 2006
  • Naveen Pareek, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and S. K. Jain, "Utilization of Brackish water, protect the quality of upper fresh water layer in Coastal areas" , Environment Systems and Decisions (Springer) Volume :26 / 237-246 / 2006
  • Khare, D., Jat, Mahesh Kumar, and Ediwahyunan, "Assessment of conjunctive use planning options: a case study of Sapon irrigation command area of Indonesia" , Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier) Volume :328 / 764-777 / 2006
  • Dhore K. A., Khare D., Garg P. K., Jat M. K., "Conceptual Framework of Decision Support System for Watershed Management in India" , Earth & Life (GEofind) Volume :1 / 1-17 / 2006
  • Jat, Mahesh K., Khare, D., and Garg, P. K., , "Assessment of groundwater recharge using water level fluctuation methodology in GIS environment" , Indian Journal Power and River Valley Development (Connect Journals) Volume :56 / 165-172 / 2006
  • 2005
  • Durbude, D. G., Jat, Mahesh Kumar, Shravankumar, G., and Singh, R. K., , "Application of remote sensing and GIS for the planning of water harvesting structures" , Indian Journal of Power and Valley Development (Connect Journals) Volume :55 / 165-174 / 2005
  • Jat, M. K., Khare, D., and Garg, P. K., , "Integrated water management in urban areas: Ecological and economic advantages" , Journal of Indian Building Congress (Indian Building Congress) Volume :12 / 186-193 / 2005
  • 2000
  • Jat, M. K., Kumar, S., and Poonia, M. P., , "Co2, Methane, So2 Reduction Through Bio-gas Generation" , National J. of Environmental Sciences (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.) Volume :42 / 117-120 / 2000

  • Mithun Choudhary, Mahesh Kumar Jat, Mahender Choudhary, "Impact of Climate Change and Human Activity on Runoff in the Mahi Sagar Basin" , International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering by :Springer at Surat, Gujrat / / 2021
  • Mayank Gupta, Amit Kumar, Sudhir Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Jat , "Substance Flow Analysis of Lead (Pb) and Chromium (Cr) Through Wastewater Management System in a Region" , 00 Glorious Years of Chemical Engineering & Technology:International Chemical Engineering Conference 2021 (ICHEEC) by :Wiley at Jalandhar, Punjab, India / / 2021
  • Mayank Gupta, Amit Kumar, Sudhir Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Jat, "A Regional Case Study for Flow of Lead (Pb) and Chromium (Cr) Through Solid Waste Management System" , International E-Conference on Water Source Sustainability (ICWSS-21) by : Indian Water Resources Society at IIT Roorkee / / 2021
  • 2020
  • Arjita Saxena, Mahesh Kumar Jat and Sudhir Kumar, "Uncertainty Analysis of High Resolution Open-Source Dems for Modelling Soil Erosion" , Roorkee Water Conclave by :Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and National Institute of Hydrology Roorkee at Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India / / 2020
  • Ankan Jana, Prof. Mahesh Kumar Jat and Prof. Mahender Choudhary, "Estimation of Surface Heat Fluxes Using Remote Sensing Method" , International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering, HYDRO 2020 by :Paramount Publishing House at NIT Rourkela / / 2020 ISBN: 978-93-90631-56-8
  • 2019
  • Anmol Chauhan, Jat, Mahesh K., and Saxena, Arjita, "Climate Change Assessment Using Discrete Wavelet Transform (Dwt) for Udaipur District" , HYDRO2019 by :ISH Journal of Taylor and Francis at Osmania University, Hyderabad / / 2019
  • Saxena, Arjita, Jat, Mahesh K., and Sudhir Kumar, "Climate Change Implications on Surface-Runoff and Soil Erosion: A Case Study of Jaisamand Lake" , HYDRO2019 by :ISH Journal of Taylor and Francis at Osmania University , Hyderabad / / 2019
  • 2018
  • Saxena, Arjita, and Jat, Mahesh K., "Sustainable Urban Growth Using Geoinformatics and CA Based Modelling" , 11th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2018) by :ACM Press at University of Ireland Galway, Ireland / / 2018 ISBN: 978-1-4503-5421-9
  • 2017
  • Arjita Saxena1, Mahesh K. Jat and Sudhir Kumar , "Impact Assessment of Climate Change Health a Review" , International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technology for Natural Resource Management and Climate Change by :National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj at Hyderabad, Telangana / / 2017
  • Shuchi Mala and Mahesh K. Jat , "Spatial Modelling of Interactions Between Dengue Incidences and Changing Climate by Integrating ANN Technique With GIS" , International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technology for Natural Resource Management and Climate Change by :National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj at Hyderabad, Telangana / / 2017
  • Ankita Saxena and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "An Integrated Approach for Natural Resources Monitoring Using Geoinformatics and CA" , International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technology for Natural Resource Management and Climate Change by :National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj at Hyderabad, Telangana / / 2017
  • Deepak Khare, Lakhwinder Singh and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Impact of Landuse Change on Urban Runoff: A Case Study of Jaipur City, India" , 37th IAHR World Congress by :IAHR Publications at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / / 2017 ISBN: 1562-6865
  • Arjita Saxena, Mahesh K. Jat and Sudhir Kumar , "Application of GIS and MCE Techniques for Optimum Site Selection for Water Harvesting Structures" , International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technology for Natural Resource Management and Climate Change by :National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj at Hyderabad, Telangana, India / / 2017
  • Ankita Saxena and Mahesh Kumar Jat , "Integration of Geo-Spatial Technologies and CA for Urban Growth Assessment and Prediction" , 2017 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE) by :IEEE at Dubai, United Arab Emirates / / 2017 ISBN: 978-1-5090-5808-2
  • Mahesh Kumar Jat and Shuchi Mala, "Application of GIS and Space-Time Scan Statistic for Vector Born Disease Clustering " , 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance - ICEGOV 2017 by :ACM Digital Library at New Delhi, India / / 2017
  • Arjita Saxena, Mahesh K. Jat, and Sudhir Kumar, "Application of GIS and MCE Techniques for Optimum Site Selection for Water Harvesting Structures" , 22nd International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (Hydro 2017) by :The Indian Society for Hydraulics at Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India / / 2017
  • Shuchi Mala and Mahesh K. Jat , "Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Dengue Fever Outbreaks Using Statistical and GIS Techniques" , International Conference (GRASF 2017) on Geospatial Engineering Knowledge by : International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai, Dubai Marina / / 2017
  • 2016
  • Shuchi Mala and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Dengue Fever Incidences Using Geospatial and Statistical Techniques" , 1st International Conference on Disaster Mitigation and Management for Sustainable Development and Risk Reduction by :National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli at Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu / / 2016
  • Mahesh Kumar Jat and Shuchi Mala, "Application of GIS and Statistical Modelling for Dengue Fever Surveillance in Delhi, India" , Fourth International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental by :Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Rome, Italy / 26-30 / 2016 ISBN: 978-1-63248-114-6
  • Mahesh K.Jat, Ankita Saxena, and Kushum Joshi, "Land Use/land Cover Change Detection: A New Paradigm for Natural Resource Monitoring" , National Conference on Civil Engineering Conference: Innovation for Sustainability by :National Institute of Technology Hamirpur at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. India / / 2016
  • 2015
  • Shuchi Mala, and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Understanding Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Cholera Using Geographic Information System and Statistical Methods" , 6th International Conference on Health GIS by :Geo ICT for Epidemic Control and Healthcare at Mysore, Karnataka, India / / 2015
  • Surendra Pratap Singh and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Down Scaled Climate Change Projections With Uncertainty Assessment Over India Capital Region Delhi Using a Statistical Downscaling Model Approach" , 35th Session of Academy of Environmental Biology by :The Academy of Environmental Biology at Kandivali, Mumbai, Maharashtra / 138 / 2015
  • Surendra Sing and Mahesh K. Jat, "Influence of Land Use/land Cover Change on Atmospheric Dynamics Over the National Capital Region, Delhi, India" , Eighth International Geographical Union (IGU) Conference 2015 by :International Geographical Union at Pune / 56 / 2015
  • Surendra P. Singh and Mahesh K. Jat, "Assessment of Climate Change Using Spatial and Temporal Trend Analysis of Climatic Data: A Case Study of Delhi, India" , 20th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering (Hydro 2015 International) by :The Indian Society of Hydraulics at IIT Roorkee / / 2015
  • 2014
  • Mahesh K. Jat, Vaibhav Garg and Vijay Shankar , "A Comparative Study of GIS Based NRSC-CN and Artificial Neural Network Techniques for Rainfall-Runoff Modelling" , 2nd International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences by :Agrotechnol at Hyderabad, Telangana, India / / 2014
  • Mahesh K. Jat, Shuchi Mala, and Parul Pradhan, "An Approach to Analyse Drought Occurrences Using Geospatial Techniques" , 15th Esri India User Conference by :Esri India at New Delhi, India / / 2014
  • Susheela Dahiya, P. K. Garg and Mahesh K. Jat, "Building Extraction From High Resolution Satellite Images Using Matlab Software" , 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference & EXPO 2014 (SGEM 2014) by :SGEM Conference Proceedings at Albena, Bulgaria / / 2014
  • Singh, Surendra Prasad and Jat, Mahesh K., "Impact of Anthropogenic Effects on Climate Change by Using Advance Technology Method" , National Conference on Application of Geoinformatics in Rural, Urban & Climatic Studies by :IIT Mumbai at IIT Mumbai / 49-52 / 2014
  • 2013
  • Susheela Dahiya, Kapil Pandey, P. K. Garg and Mahesh K. Jat, "Image Processing Techniques for Information Extraction From Satellite Images" , Conference on Geoinformatics for Biodiversity and Climate Change by :International Geographical Union at Rohtak, Haryana / / 2013
  • Shuchi Mala and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Determination of Irregularly Shaped Spatial and Spatial-Temporal Disease Clusters Using Geospatial and Optimization Techniques" , All India Symposium on Advancements in Civil Engineering by :MNIT JAIPUR at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2013
  • Susheela Dahiya, P. K. Garg, Mahesh K Jat, "Object Oriented Approach for Building Extraction From High Resolution Satellite Images" , 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC 13) by :IEEE at Ghaziabad, India / 1300-1305 / 2013 ISBN: 1300-1305
  • 2012
  • Mahesh K. Jat, Deepak Khare and P.K. Garg, "Cost Function for Water Treatment" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / 26-29 / 2012
  • D. Khare, P. K. Mishra, Santosh Pingle, and Mahesh K. Jat , "Climate Change: Issues and Challenges" , Workshop on Innovation for Sustainable Water Management by :WALMI Bhopal at Bhopal, M.P., India / 97-112 / 2012
  • Susheela Dahiya, P. K. Garg and Mahesh K. Jat, "Content Based Methods for Building Extraction From Satellite Images" , International Conference on System Modeling & Advancement in Research Trends by :Teerthanker Mahaveer University at Moradabad, U.P. India / / 2012
  • S. P. Singh, R.M. Singh, and M. K. Jat, "GIS Based DRASTIC Model for Evaluating Groundwater Vulnerability" , National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM-2012) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2012
  • 2010
  • Pingale S.M., M.K. Jat, D. Khare , "Assessment of Climate Change for an Arid Region" , National Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Impact of Climate Change by :BS Publications at BITS Hyderabad, Telangana, India / 40-60 / 2010 ISBN: 978-81-7800-226-2
  • 2009
  • Santosh M Pingale, Mahesh K. Jat and Deepak Khare , "Perspective of Urban Water Demand Management in Changing Climate" , Integrated Water Resources Management: Demand Assessment and Management Organized by Water Resource Department by :Bureau of Indian Standard at New Delhi, India / / 2009
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar Jat, "Traditional and New Techniques of on Farm Rainwater Harvesting in Northern Himalayan Region" , Civil Engineering Conference Innovation Without Limits by :Excel India Publishers at NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh / 413-418 / 2009 ISBN: ISBN 978-93-80043
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and Vijay Shankar, "Ground Water Management for Sustainable Development" , Civil Engineering Conference Innovation Without Limits by :Excel India Publishers at NIT Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh / 428-433 / 2009 ISBN: 978-93-80043-34-0
  • 2008
  • Mahesh Kumar Jat, Deepak Khare, and P.K. Garg, "Integrated Water Management in an Urban Area: A Case Study" , Civil Engineering Conference on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering by :Excel India Publishers at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India / / 2008
  • Santosh Pingale, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and Deepak Khare, "Integration of GIS in Environmental Modelling and Hydrological Analysis: A Review of Integration Technologies" , Civil Engineering Conference on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering by :Excel India Publishers at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India / 289-298 / 2008 ISBN: 81-906531-3-X
  • Santosh Pingale, H.C. Sharma, Deepak Khare, Mahesh K Jat and Harish Chandra , "Land and Water Resources Management Using Remote Sensing and GISA Case Study of Hilly Watershed" , National Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Development and Management by :Excel India Publishers at Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India / 142-149 / 2008
  • 43. Santosh Pingale, Deepak Khare, H.C. Sharma, and Mahesh K Jat, "Design of Water Harvesting Structure Based on Supply and Demand of Water in a Hilly Watershed" , International Conference on Environmental Research 2008 by :Journal of Environmental Research and Development at Goa, India / / 2008
  • Mahesh K. Jat, Deepak Khare and P.K. Garg , "Integration of Supply and Demand Management Options in a Water Deficient Environment" , 40th Annual Convention of IWWA by :Indian Water Works Association at Indore, M.P., India / / 2008
  • Rohitashw Kumar, Vijay Shankar and Mahesh K. Jat, "Water Resource Development Through Low-Cost Rainwater Harvesting Structures and Groundwater Recharging" , Civil Engineering Conference on Infrastructure Development in Civil Engineering" by :Excel India Publishers at Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh / 264-267 / 2008 ISBN: 978-81-906531-3-8
  • 2007
  • Deepak Khare, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and P. K. Garg, "Impact of Urbanisation on Watershed Hydrology and Hydrogeology" , Watershed Man Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and TMDLS (Total Maximum Daily Load) by : American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers at Crowne Plaza Riverwalk, San Antonio, Texas (USA) / / 2007
  • 2006
  • Mahesh Kumar Jat, Deepak Khare, and P. K. Garg, "Urbanisation and Geomorphological Changes: A Study of Urbanized Watersheds Using Spatial Technology" , International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2006) by :Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science & Technology at JNTU, Hyderabad, India / / 2006
  • Deepak Khare, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and P. K. Garg , "Impact of Impervious Surfaces on Watershed Hydrology and Hydro-Geology: A Case Study of Ajmer (India)" , International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2006) by :Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science & Technology at JNTU, Hyderabad, India / / 2006
  • Deepak Khare, A.Jha, Mahesh K.Jat, and K. Dhore , "Runoff Estimation in an Ungauged Watershed Using Geographic Information System" , International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management (ICHWAM-2006) by :Centre for Water Resources, Institute of Science & Technology at JNTU, Hyderabad, India / / 2006
  • S. K. Gupta, Mahesh K. Jat, P. K. Garg, and Ranvir Singh, "Urban Growth Change Detection Through Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques" , Geoinformatics for Rural Development Achieving Synergy Between Technical and Social Systems by :ICORG at JNTU, Hyderabad, India / / 2006
  • Mahesh Kumar Jat, P. K. Garg, and Deepak Khare, "Impact Assessment of Urban Growth on Groundwater Quantity and Quality Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study of Ajmer (India) Urban Area" , Geoinformatics for Rural Development Achieving Synergy Between Technical and Social Systems by :ICORG at JNTU, Hyderabad, India / / 2006
  • Mahesh Kumar Jat, P. K. Garg, and Deepak Khare, "Assessment of Urban Growth Pattern Using Spatial Analysis Techniques" , Indo-Australian Conference on Information Technology in Civil Engineering (IAC-ITCE) by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India / / 2006
  • 2005
  • J. K. Devasunder, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and Deepak Khare, "Assessment of Conjunctive Use Options in a Proposed Link Canal Command" , International Symposium on Recent Advances in Water Resources Development & Management (RAWRDM-2005) by :IIT Roorkee at Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India / / 2005
  • 2003
  • R. Sharma, M. Choudhary, Mahesh. Kumar Jat, and Sudhir Kumar, "Assessment of Groundwater Pollution Through GIS," , Integrated Sustainable Water Resource Planning and Management (ISWRPM-2003) by :BITS Pilani at Pilani, Rajasthan, India / / 2003
  • Mahesh Kumar Jat, and Gunwant Sharma, "Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Hydrology" , National Conference On, New Trends in Civil Engineering by :MBM Jodhpur at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India / / 2003
  • 2002
  • Mahesh Kumar Jat, and A.K. Jain, "Cogeneration: Energy From Waste" , International Conference on Techno-Commercial Aspects of Decentralized Approach in Waste to Energy by : Malviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India / / 2002

  • Book Chapter, "Design for slope protection by using bio-engineering measures in Himalayan region." ISBN:9789381450215 published by - New India Publishing Agency Year: 2012 authors- Kumar, R., Vijay Shankar and Mahesh Kumar
  • Book Chapter, "Groundwater Hydrology an Overview" ISBN:978-81-8360-253-2 published by - Jain Brothers Year: 2017 authors- Deepak Khare, Mahesh Kumar Jat, and P. K. Mishra
  • Book Chapter, "Urban Water Management" ISBN:9780784480908 published by - American Society of Civil Engineers Year: 2017 authors- Mahesh Kumar Jat, Deepak Khare and Ashok Sharma

Journal Name Publisher Role Duration
Korean Journal of Remote sensingKorean Society of Remote SensingAssociate Editor18-10-2022 - 02-10-2020
Arabian Journal of GeosciencesElsevierAssociate Editor09-07-2019 - Present

  • National level Short Term Course on Planning and Monitoring of Watershed Development Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 03-12-2021 to 08-12-2021
  • National level Short Term Course on Geo-Spatial Techniques & Creation of GIS Database for the Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 01-03-2020 to 06-03-2020
  • National level Short Term Course on Planning and Monitoring of Watershed Development Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 08-01-2020 to 13-01-2020
  • National level Short Term Course on Planning and Monitoring of Watershed Development Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 26-12-2019 to 31-12-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on Geo-Spatial Techniques & Creation of GIS Database for the Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 15-12-2019 to 20-12-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on Geo-Spatial Techniques & Creation of GIS Database for the Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 02-12-2019 to 07-12-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on Geo-Spatial Techniques & Creation of GIS Database for the Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 22-11-2019 to 27-11-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on Planning and Monitoring of Watershed Development Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 13-11-2019 to 18-11-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on Geo-Spatial Techniques & Creation of GIS Database for the Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 01-11-2019 to 06-11-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on Planning and Monitoring of Watershed Development Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 16-10-2019 to 21-10-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on Remote Sensing and GIS in water Resources at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 25-03-2019 to 29-03-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Preparation of master Plan and Zonal Development Plan at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 31-01-2019 to 04-02-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on Planning of Watershed Development and Impact Assessment Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 02-12-2018 to 06-12-2018
  • National level Workshop on Recent Developments in Sustainable Materials for Civil Engineering Construction (RDSMCEC - 2018) at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 31-08-2018 to 04-09-2018
  • National level Short Term Course on Water & Energy Auditing and Water Demand Management at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 19-08-2018 to 23-08-2018
  • National level Short Term Course on Water & Energy Auditing and Water Demand Management at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 03-04-2018 to 07-04-2018
  • National level Short Term Course on Planning of Watershed Development Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 18-01-2018 to 23-01-2018
  • National level Short Term Course on Spatial Analysis Techniques & Creation of GIS Database for the Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 12-01-2018 to 17-01-2018
  • National level Short Term Course on Spatial Analysis Techniques & Creation of GIS Database for the Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 26-12-2017 to 30-12-2017
  • National level Short Term Course on Planning of Watershed Development and Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 15-12-2017 to 20-12-2017
  • National level Short Term Course on Spatial Analysis Techniques & Creation of GIS Database for the Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 01-12-2017 to 06-12-2017
  • National level Workshop on Hydrological Modelling Using SWMM at VIT University, Vellore, India from 22-03-2016 to 22-03-2016
  • National level Short Term Course on Monitoring and Impact Analysis of Watershed Development at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 18-09-2015 to 22-09-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on Planning of Watershed Development Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 04-09-2015 to 08-09-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on Training cum Orientation Programme on DPR Preparation, Estimation and Geo-hydrology Software at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 26-08-2015 to 28-08-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on Spatial Analysis Technologies and GIS Database Creation for Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 21-08-2015 to 25-08-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on Monitoring and Impact Analysis of Watershed Development at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 12-06-2015 to 16-06-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on Planning of Watershed Development Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 29-05-2015 to 02-06-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on Planning of Watershed Development Using Geospatial Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 01-05-2015 to 05-05-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on Spatial Analysis Technologies and GIS Database Creation for Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 17-04-2015 to 21-04-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on Spatial Analysis Technologies and GIS Database Creation for Watershed Applications at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 20-03-2015 to 24-03-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on Water Demand Management: Potential and Options at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 16-03-2015 to 17-03-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on Water Supply Works at Department of Civil Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 11-08-2013 to 13-08-2013
  • National level Short Term Course on Water Supply Works at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 11-08-2013 to 13-08-2013
  • National level Short Term Course on Training cum orientation programme for newly recruited PWD Engineers (Govt. of Rajasthan) at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 11-07-2013 to 13-07-2013
  • National level Short Term Course on Construction Management of Civil Works and Contract Management at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 08-06-2013 to 10-06-2013
  • National level Short Term Course on Spatial Analysis Techniques & Creation of GIS database for the Watershed Applications at Department of Civil Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 13-12-2012 to 17-12-2012
  • National level Short Term Course on Urban Road Transport Projects at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 23-11-2012 to 25-11-2012
  • National level Short Term Course on Preparation of Master Plan and other Requirements for Urban Areas at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 21-09-2012 to 23-09-2012
  • National level Short Term Course on Solid Waste Management at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 24-08-2012 to 26-08-2012
  • National level Short Term Course on Sustainability of Urban Infrastructure & Quality Assurance in Construction at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 24-07-2012 to 29-07-2012
  • National level Short Term Course on Soil & other material properties and base maps for Urban Infrastructure at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 22-06-2012 to 24-06-2012
  • National level Short Term Course on Water Supply for Urban Areas at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 11-05-2012 to 13-05-2012
  • National level Short Term Course on Watershed Planning Using Spatial Analysis Techniques at MNIt, Jaipur, India from 12-03-2012 to 14-03-2012
  • National level Short Term Course on Computer Aided Engineering Graphics and Drawing at MNIt, Jaipur, India from 14-06-2011 to 18-06-2011
  • National level Short Term Course on Waste Minimization Tools & Techniques at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 24-05-2011 to 26-05-2011
  • International level Short Term Course on Sewage Treatment at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 23-05-2011 to 28-05-2011
  • National level Short Term Course on Soft Computing Skills in Engineering at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 11-12-2008 to 24-12-2008
  • National level Short Term Course on Management and Mitigation of Natural Disasters at MNIT, Jaipur`, India from 14-07-2008 to 26-07-2008
  • National level Short Term Course on Multistoried residential apartments at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 08-12-2007 to 09-12-2007
  • National level Workshop on Quality Assurance in Civil Engineering Projects at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 05-11-2007 to 06-11-2007
  • National level Workshop on Rural Technology Transfer and Demonstration at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 27-10-2007 to 27-10-2007
  • National level Short Term Course on Computational Methods in Engineering at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 16-10-2007 to 20-10-2007
  • National level Short Term Course on Computational Methods in Engineering at MNIT , Jaipur, India from 16-10-2007 to 20-06-2007
  • National level Short Term Course on Urban Water Management at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 12-10-2007 to 16-10-2007

  • Life Member of Indian Society for Remote Sensing
  • Member Executive Committee of Indian Society for Water Resources
  • Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education
  • Life Member of The Indian Association of Hydrologists
  • Life Member of The Indian Society for Wind Engineering (ISWE)
  • Life Member of The Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS)
  • Member of American Society of Civil Engineers

  • Miss Arjita Saxena on Climate Change Assessment on watershed Response Year - 2021
  • Mr. Surendra Singh on Impact of Land Use Land cover Changes on Climate and Optimum Adaptation Measures Year - 2020
  • Ms. Ankita Saxena on Urban Growth Assessment and Modelling using Geospatial Techniques and Cellular Automata Year - 2019
  • Miss Suchi Mala on Geographic Information System based Disease Surveillance and Optimum Clustering Year - 2019
  • Mr. Yuddhveer Singh on Rainfall-runoff modelling for urbanized catchments Year - 2018
  • Ms. Sushila Dahiya on Development of an Approach for Building Extraction From Satellite Image Year - 2016
  • Rohitashw Kumar on Modelling of Moisture Uptake by Plants in a Multi-Layer Soil Year - 2014
  • Miss Gargi Sharma on Wastewater Treatment Through Constructed Wetlands With Special Concern of Microbial Contaminant Removal Year - 2014
  • Santosh Pingle on Integrated Urban Water Management Modelling Considering Climate Change Year - 2013
  • Ongoing
  • Mr. Mohd. Mahatab on GIS-based Earthquake Disaster risk assessment Year - 2022
  • Mr. Vijay Anand on Object-based feature extraction Year - 2021
  • Mr. Ankan Jana on Optimum adaptations for LULC change-induced climate change impacts Year - 2019
  • Mr. Mithun Choudhary on Hydrological impact assessment of climate change and optimum adaptations Year - 2019
  • Mr. Sudesh Singh Choudhary on Geospatial technologies and crop health monitoring Year - 2019
  • Mr. Saurabh Singh on Ecological impact assessment of climate change Year - 2019
  • Mr. Sandeep Singh on Development of Constitutive Model for Liquefiable Sand with Fiber Reinforcement, Year - 2015

Title Total Outlay
(In Lacs)
Year Funding Agency Role
Sustainable Solution for Toxic Metal Ion Pollutants in Water27.812023-2025Ministry of Housing and Urban AffairsCo-PI
Development of greywater disposal site in Surajgarh.5.162022-2022Nagar PalikaCo-PI
Mission Amrit Sarovar Jal dharovar sanrakshan2.002022-2022MOUHACo-PI
Preparation of district environmental management plan for Sikar9.962022-2022DFO SikarCo-PI
Development of Seismic Risk Index for 60 Indian Cities116.242021-2023NDMAPI
Preparation of district environmental management plan for Hanumangarh.9.962021-2022DFO HanumangarhCo-PI
Research study for identification of potential and scope of renovation and optimum planning & design of renovation for Bhagat Singh Chowk and Bharat Mata Chowk in Hanumangarh1.322019-2021MC, HanumangarhPI
Research study for identification of potential & scope of renovation and optimum planning & design of renovations of Collectorate Chowk, Lal Chowk, Karni Chowk, Ambedkar Chowk Junction and Chowk Near 2.882019-2021MC, HanumangarhPI
Resource mapping of Earthquake Engineering faculties in Engineering/Architectural Institutes28.152019-2022NDMAPI
Development of Experimental Watershed and Hydrological Modelling for Improvements in Performance of Watershed Intervention Works 150.002017-2019DWDSC, Govt. Raj., under World Bank ProjectPI
Climate Change Impact Studies for Rajasthan (Area of Inland Drainage and Mahi basin)254.792016-2022Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of IndiaPI
Development of Water Technology Centre67.002013-2018DSTPI
Assessment of Climate Change & Its Impact on Urban Hydrology- Indian Perspective40.002012-2015AICTE NCPPI
Water management plan for Jawaharlal Navodaya Vidyalaya Paota6.902009-2009DSTPI

Title Total Outlay
(In Lacs)
Year Funding Agency
Preparation of Sikar Master Plan 2041348.132023-2024Nagar Parishad, Sikar
Preparation of Zonal Master Plan of ESZ Nahargarh Wildlife, Jaipur38.002022-2022DFO Nahargarh, Rajasthan
Vetting of DPR for tourist interpretation cum cultural center at Nathdwara, Rajsamand3.242022-2022NagarPalika, Nathdwara, Rajasamand
Preparation of Zonal Development Plan of Churu City140.172021-2022Nagar Palika Churu, Rajasthan
Preparation of Zonal Development Plan of Sujangarh City172.042021-2022Nagar Palika, Sujangarh City, Rajasthan
Preparation of Zonal Development Plan of SriGanganagar City165.762021-2024UIT, Sriganga Nangar , Rajasthan
Preparation of Zonal Development Plan of A, B, C, D and E zones of Bhilwara City475.352021-2022UIT, Bhilwara City, Rajasthan
Preparation of Zonal Development Plan of Sikar City296.032020-2022Nagar Palika Sikar, Rajasthan

  • Dean of Student Welfare in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from - 18-07-2022 to Till Date
  • Head of Department in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from - 04-06-2018 to 11-06-2020

SNo. Type Title Event Place Schedule
1TalkGeospatial data requirements, Technological Options and their ApplicationsEvent organized by AICTE, New DelhiNew Delhi, IndiaSep-2021
2TalkLand use land cover changes and its implication on climate: Possible adaptation and mitigation optionsAn event on Sustainability in Civil EngineeringDepartment of Civil Engineering, BITS PilaniSep-2021
3TalkData resources for GIS applications: Remote Sensinga short-term training program (e-STC) on Advanced Computational Techniques in Water Resources Engineering and ManagementNIT Hamirpur, Himachal PradeshJun-2021
4TalkApplication of Remote Sensing and GIS for Flood Modelling & Hazard ManagementA short-term training program (e-STC) on Advanced Computational Techniques in Water Resources Engineering and ManagementNIT Hamirpur, Himachal PradeshMar-2021
5TalkApplication of Remote Sensing and GIS for Flood Hazard ManagementE-Training program, 14th Course on Application of Geo-informatics for Disaster Management organized by GSITI, Hyderabad in collaboration with ISRO Hyderabad Oct-2020
6KeynoteUrban Water Management: Options and ChallengesGraphic Era University DehradunDehradun, UttarakhandFeb-2017
7TalkHydrological Modelling, Geospatial Technologies and their Application in Water ResourcesL. D. Engineering College, Ahmadabad, Gujarat Ahmadabad, Gujarat Mar-2016
8TalkGeospatial Technologies and their Application in Water ResourcesGujarat Technical University AhmedabadAhmedabad, Gujarat Mar-2016
9TalkGeospatial Technologies and their Application in Water ResourcesEvent by Department of Civil Engineering, VIT University, VelloreVellore, Tamil NaduMar-2016
10KeynoteClimate Change Issues and Challenges with Special Emphasis on Hilly RegionsNational Workshop organized by DWRD, IIT Roorkee and IWRSRoorkee, UttarakhandMar-2014
11TalkGeospatial Techniques and their application in EngineeringSTTP organised by the Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Silchar, Assam on Applications of GIS Technique in Engineering Silchar, Assam Jan-2014
12TalkIntroduction of canal lining & system improvement and Quality control, monitoring and assurance in Irrigation projectsTraining Programme on Capacity Building of Minor Irrigation OrganisationIIT RoorkeeSep-2013
13TalkData collection and quality assurance in civil construction worksTraining Programme organized by National Institute of Rural Development, Jaipur Centre for the MNREGA EngineersJaipurJul-2013
14TalkSurveying, data collection and DPR preparationTraining cum Orientation Programme organized by Department of Civil Engineering, MNIT Jaipur for the PWD EngineersJaipurJul-2013
15TalkEngineering OptimisationTraining Programme on Computational Methods in Engineering organized by Department of Civil Engineering, NIT HamirpurHamirpur, H.P.May-2013
16TalkGeographical Information SystemTraining Programme on Computational Methods in Engineering organized by Department of Civil Engineering, NIT HamirpurHamirpur, H.P.May-2013
17TalkFeasibility, Design & DPR preparationTraining Programme organized for Engineers of Uttarakhan Jal Nigam, organized by Water Resources Development and Management Department, IIT RoorkeeRoorkeeJan-2010
18TalkFeasibility, Design & DPR preparationTraining Programme organized for Engineers of Uttarakhan Jal Nigam, organized by Water Resources Development and Management Department, IIT RoorkeeRoorkeeDec-2009
19TalkFeasibility, Design & DPR preparationTraining Programme organized for Engineers of Uttarakhan Jal Nigam, organized by Water Resources Development and Management Department, IIT RoorkeeRoorkeeNov-2009
20TalkWater Conservation through watershed Intervention WorksTraining Programme for watershed development engineers (TOT) organized by IGPRS, JaipurJaipurSep-2009