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Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
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Provisional List of the Eligible/Ineligible candidates, model MCQ, syllabus and guidelines for Ph.D. admission 2024-25 under Visvesvaraya Scheme Phase II

Provisional List of Eligible/Ineligible candidates for written test / Interviews for Ph.D. Admission 2024-25 under Visvesvaraya Scheme Phase II
1. Department of Electronics and Communication Engg.
2. Department of Computer Science and Engineering
3. Department of Electrical Engg.
Guidelines for the Ph.D. entrance exam 2024-25 under Visvesvaraya Scheme Phase II (as mentioned in Ph.D. admission brochure)
Schedule for Research Aptitude Test, Written Subject Test, and Interview for Ph.D. admission 2024-25 under Visvesvaraya Scheme Phase II.

Department wise Model MCQ and Syllabus
Section A: (Common for All Departments)   Click here to Download Section A (Research Aptitude Test and Syllabus)
Section B:Available in table
Sr. No. Department Name Section B (Subject Test and Syllabus)
1. Department of Electronics and Communication Engg. ECE
VLSI Design & Embedded Systems
Wireless and Optical Communication
2. Department of Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
3. Department of Electrical Engg. Electrical Engineering