Journal Publications
Conference Publications
Research Projects
PhD Research Supervised
Awards & Honours
Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Data Science, Generative AI.
Dr. Namita Mittal is working as Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering. She is a recipient of Career Award for Young Teachers (CAYT) by AICTE. Her Current research areas are Data Science, Information Retrieval, Generative AI, and Natural Language Processing. She has published several research papers in reputed international conferences and journals, and two books in Springer Publication. She is also a member of review committees for Refereed journals/ conferences. She is Senior Member of IEEE, Member of ACM, CCICI, and SCRS. She has conducted various FDPs/Conferences/Workshops like Ph.D. Colloquium FIRE 2017, GIAN Course on Advances on Data and Web Analytics 2017, International Workshop on Text analytics and Retrieval (WI 2018), WIRe (FIRE Track 2020) and GIAN on AI and Information Retrieval 2022. She is guiding 5 PhD students currently and 12 PhD have been awarded under her guidance. One PhD scholar received prestigious PMRF scholarship.
Academic Year | Level | Name | Details | Facilities |
2003-2004 | UG | DBMS LAB | MODROB MHRD | 12 desktop workstations/COMPUTERS AND ORACLE SOFTWARE AE |
Level | Area of Assignment | Organization | Designation/Assignment | Duration |
National | Academic Work | Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh | External Expert of Doctoral Research Committee | [23 Dec 2022 - 23 Dec 2025] |
National | Academic Work | Poornima University Jaipur | Member Academic Council | [22 Nov 2022 - 30 Nov 2023] |
National | Academic Work | IIIT Kota | Visiting faculty ( OE Lab MTech ) | [01 Sep 2022 - 31 Jan 2023] |
National | Academic Work | IIIT Kota | Visiting Faculty ( BTech CSE PR) | [16 Aug 2021 - 14 Sep 2021] |
National | Academic Work | IIIT Kota | Visiting Faculty (BTech CSE Pattern Recognition) | [19 Jan 2021 - 30 Apr 2021] |
National | Academic Work | IIIT Kota | Visiting Faculty ( CST 201 DBMS for V sem ECE) | [21 Jul 2020 - 25 Aug 2020] |
National | Academic Work | IIIT Kota | Visiting faculty ( BTech ECE fractal course - Introduction to PR) | [12 Feb 2020 - 30 Mar 2020] |
National | Academic Work | Birla Institute of Technology Mesra Ranchi | Member Academic Council | [25 Sep 2019 - 30 Nov 2023] |
Level | Type | Collaborator | Organization | Year |
International | Publication: Supervisor | Prof Richi Nayak ( PhD Supervisor) | Queensland University of Technology Brisbane Australia | 2010 |
Title | Total Outlay (In Lacs) |
Year | Funding Agency | Role |
SEG - School Education UBA - Coordinator | 40.00 | 2024-2026 | MoE through IIT Delhi | PI |
Developing a user-friendly Chatbot system as an interface for information extraction in Natural language | 25.30 | 2023-2026 | ISRO- RACS, Department of Space | PI |
Demand Response Management platform in Smart Grid for Effective Performance | 27.00 | 2022-2025 | Technology Development Programme (TDP) - DST Govt of India | PI |
RCI-UBA Coordinator | 30.00 | 2020-2024 | MoE through IIT Delhi | PI |
Design and implementation of the learning activities in Hindi for school education for rural development | 5.62 | 2016-2018 | DST | PI |
Career Award for Young Teachers | 10.50 | 2004-2007 | AICTE | PI |
MODROB- Modernization and Development of DBMS Labuoratory | 10.00 | 2003-2006 | MHRD | PI |
Title | Total Outlay (In Lacs) |
Year | Funding Agency |
Security Audit e-auction | 0.59 | 2020-2020 | RIICO, Govt of Rajasthan |
SNo. | Type | Title | Event | Place | Schedule |
1 | Talk | Foundational Models-LLM, GPT and Open AI | 5-day ONLINE workshop on Generative AI during March 10th - 15th, 2025 | LNMIIIT Jaipur | Mar-2025 |
2 | Talk | Ethics & Challenges in Generative AI | Faculty Development Programme on 27th February 2025 | JNU Jaipur | Mar-2025 |
3 | Talk | Generative AI: The Future of Intelligent Systems | Expert Talk Under AI Year 2025 under AICTE Initiative | GCOERC Nashik | Feb-2025 |
4 | Talk | Nut and bolt of the Transformer | 6 DAY online FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ON Generative AI: Techniques, Tools, and Applications, Feb.03-08, 2025. | NIT Delhi | Feb-2025 |
5 | Keynote | Advancements in Large Language Models | 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing Techniques in Engineering & Technology (ACTET-2025) 12- 13 Feb 2025 | SKIT Jaipur | Feb-2025 |
6 | Talk | Language Models in Natural Language Processing (Date - Nov 28, 2024) | ATAL Faculty Development Program (Nov 25, 2024 to Nov 30, 2024) | BITS Mesra, Ranchi (Jaipur Campus) | Nov-2024 |
7 | Talk | Introduction of Artificial Intelligence | STC - Computational Techniques Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Social Science and Engineering Applications | MNIT Jaipur | Mar-2024 |
8 | Talk | Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning (28th Feb 2024 to 9th March 2024) | FDP - Natural Language Processing and LLMs | NIT Warangal | Mar-2024 |
9 | Talk | ABCD of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Discussion | Special Clinical Combined Round(CCR) organised by Mahatma Gandhi University | Jaipur | Feb-2024 |
10 | Keynote | The Rise of Generative AI: A New Era for Education and Communication | International Conference on Recent Advancements in Artificial Intelligence (ICRAAI-2023) | Poornima University, Jaipur | Dec-2023 |
11 | Keynote | Advancements in Data Science | National Seminar Series on Automation Technology and Impact on Industry" | Sangam University Bhilwara | Mar-2023 |
12 | Keynote | Recent advancements in Data Science | Two-Week Faculty Development Program on "Deep Learning in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition" from 13-22 March 2023. | Central University Rajasthan Kishangarh | Mar-2023 |
13 | Keynote | Sequence Models: Recurrent Neural Networks, LSTM and GRU, Attention Networks | Capacity building programme on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning March 10-23, 2023 for European Union. | IIITDM Jabalpur | Mar-2023 |
14 | Expert Member | "Basic Amenities-Rural Infra, School Education & Services" | UNNATI MAHOTSAV | IIT Delhi | Mar-2023 |
15 | Keynote | End-to-End Data Science Product Development: Case Study | Five-day STTP Data Science for all with R" | Departments of CSE and Mathematics with Centre for Continuing Edu, NIT W | Feb-2023 |
16 | Keynote | Advancements in Data Science | National Science Day | IGNOU Regional Centre Jaipur | Feb-2023 |
17 | Keynote | NLP Advancements | Two days workshop on Metaverse and vision and language processing in industrial aspect | Manipal Jaipur | Feb-2023 |
18 | Keynote | End-to-End Data Science Product development using Python | 5 days Workshop by Department of CSE, NIT Warangal and Department of CSE,Sree Rama Engineering College, Thirupati,with Centre for Continuing Edu NITW | NIT Warangal ( Online) | Jan-2023 |
19 | Keynote | Chatbot: AI conversation | AI awareness amongst School Teachers and Principals | Jaipur | Dec-2022 |
20 | Keynote | End-to-End Data Science Product Development with case studies | A FIVE-DAY TRAINING PROGRAM on End-to-End Data Science Product Development | NIT Warangal | Dec-2022 |
21 | Keynote | Machine Learning Algorithm in Energy Data Prediction | SERB Karyashala under Accelerate Vigyan on Smart Grid: Network, Communication and Security | IIIT Kota | Sep-2022 |
22 | Talk | Hidden Markov Model concepts and applications | EICT FDP on Mathematical and Statistical Approach to Data Science, ML and NLP | NIT Warangal | May-2022 |
23 | Talk | Data Science - Recent Advancement | Seminar Series | Department of Computer Application and Science of Mandsaur University, Mandsaur (MP) | Mar-2022 |
24 | Talk | Introduction of Data Science and Data Analytics | FDP on The Emerging Era of Data Science from 21st February to 25th February | Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur | Feb-2022 |
25 | Talk | Blockchain vs Databases | AICTE-ISTE sponsored Blockchain Technology FDP at SRMIST, Delhi NCR | Delhi | Feb-2022 |
26 | Talk | Text Classification | FDP on Natural Language Processing during 19th -28th February 2022 by EICT Academy NITW | NIT Warangal | Feb-2022 |
27 | Talk | Sentiment Analysis | FDP on Natural Language Processing during 19th -28th February 2022 by EICT Academy NITW | NIT Warangal | Feb-2022 |
28 | Talk | Text Classification | EICT Academy Joint Online Faculty Development Programme on Natural Language Processing 7-Feb-2022 to 18-Feb-2022 | NIT Patna | Feb-2022 |
29 | Talk | Data Sources Electronic and Health Record - Images and Text | AICTE ISTE sponsored One Week Induction/Refresher Programme on Medical Data Analytics with Python | Tirunelveli | Jan-2022 |
31 | Talk | Data Visualization Techniques using Python | ATAL FDP(Discussion on Data Science Tools and NEP Policies | IIIT Kota at MNIT Jaipur Campus | Dec-2021 |
32 | Talk | Text Analytics | ATAL FDP on DATA SCIENCE at GEU from 4th- 8th October 2021. | Dehradun | Oct-2021 |
33 | Talk | Blockchain Databases | ATAL FDP on Blockchain Technology and its Applications from 6 /9/2021 | MNIT Jaipur | Sep-2021 |
34 | Talk | Theme : Research, Innovation and Work-Life Balance During COVID-19 | International Women in Engineering COVID19 Congress 2021 (WIECOV 2021) organized by IEEE Bangladesh | online | Aug-2021 |
35 | Talk | Data Science and Data Analytics | AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Program on "Data Analysis using Python" 1-6 march 2021 | IPS Academy, Institute of Engineers and Science Indore | Mar-2021 |
36 | Talk | Information Retrieval Models | AICTE sponsored FDP | Manipal Institute of Technology MAHE Manipal | Dec-2020 |
37 | Talk | Data Science : Issues and Challenges | AICTE Sponsored STTP on Data Science : Unfolding layer of Knowledge (Phase II) | Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore | Dec-2020 |
38 | Keynote | Recent trends in Data Science | National conference on Emerging trends in Machine Learning and Data Science 2020 | IPS Academy Indore | Dec-2020 |
39 | Talk | Classification Algorithms | Data Science: Unfolding Layers of Knowledge Phase-I , AICTE sponsored | Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, Indore | Nov-2020 |
40 | Talk | Recent Trends in Data Science | Short-term Certificate Course on Recent Advances in Data Science" by R Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur and NIT Jalandhar | online | Oct-2020 |
41 | Talk | Artificial Intelligence for IoT | ATAL FDP -IoT based applied Engineering in Agriculture | IIIT Kota | Oct-2020 |
42 | Talk | Implementation of AI techniques for IOT | IOT based Applied Engineering in Agriculture under ATAL Academy | IIIT Kota at MNIT Jaipur | Oct-2020 |
43 | Talk | Big Data and Data lakes | AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Program on | IPS Academy ,Institute of Engineering & Science Indore | Sep-2020 |
44 | Talk | Machine Learning and Data Science | AICTE FDP on Machine Learning Techniques by Poornima University Jaipur | Jaipur | Aug-2020 |
45 | Talk | Vector Space embeddings | EICT Academy FDP "Natural Language Processing (6 - 10 Jan 20) | NIT Patna | Jan-2020 |
46 | Talk | Data Mining and its Applications | ATAL FDP on Data Science | NIT Uttrakhand | Oct-2019 |
47 | Talk | B Trees, Hashing and File Handling | STTP on Data Structures and File Handling Supported by TEQIP III | CSE, MNIT Jaipur | Aug-2019 |
48 | Talk | Social Media Mining - Recommender System | Two Week Short Term Course On "Emerging Trends and Innovation in Engineering & Science (ETIES)" | Govt Engineering College Ajmer | Aug-2019 |
49 | Talk | Classification and clustering | ATAL Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 23-02-2019 to 26-02-2020. | MNIT Jaipur | Feb-2019 |
50 | Talk | IR and Big Data | STTP on Big Data and Machine Learning 21-23 feb 2014 | NIT Surthkal | Feb-2014 |
S.No. | Category | Name of Activity | Organization | Place | Position | Schedule |
1 | National | Wardenship | IIIT Kota | MNIT Jaipur | Girls Hostel Warden | Jul-2017 |
2 | National | Unnat Bharat Abhiyan | MNIT Jaipur | Jaipur | Member of National Level Executive Committee for Unnat Bharat Abhiyan | Aug-2019 |
3 | National | Wardenship | NIT UttaraKhand | MNIT Jaipur | Residential Warden, Girls Hostel | Aug-2019 |
4 | National | Administrative Work | IIIT Kota | MNIT Jaipur | Presiding Officer in Internal Complaints Committee (WOMEN) cell | Jul-2019 |