मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Engineering


Journal Publications


Conference Publications


Research Projects


PhD Research Supervised


Awards & Honours

  • Ph.D.(Data Clustering & Signal Proc.) from Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar(2013)
    M.Tech.(Electronics & Comm. Engg.) from National Institute of Technology Rourkela(2009)
    B.E.(Electronics & Telecomm. Engg.) from Biju Patnaik University of Technology Odisha(2006)
Research Interests

Digital Signal Processing, Adaptive Signal Processing, Data Clustering, Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computing, Swarm Intelligence, Nature Inspired Optimization, Seismic Signal Processing.

Brief Research Profile

Dr. S. J. Nanda is a Senior Member IEEE. He received the PhD degree from School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar on Aug. 2013. Prior to it he completed his M. Tech.(Res) from Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engg., NIT Rourkela. He received the B.E. degree in Electronics and Telecomm. Engg. from ITER, Bhubaneswar affiliated to BPUT, Odisha. He was the recipient of Canadian Research Fellowship- GSEP, from Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Intern. Trade (DFAIT), Govt. of Canada for the year 2009-10 with which he has worked at University of Western Ontario, Canada. He was awarded Best PhD thesis award at SocPros 2015 by IIT Roorkee. He received the best research paper awards IEEE ODICON-2022 at SOA University Bhubaneswar, SocPros-2020 at IIT Indore, IC3-2018 at SMIT Sikkim, SocPros-2017 at IIT Bhubaneswar, IEEE UPCON-2016 at IIT BHU and Springer OWT-2017 at MNIT. He is the recipient of prestigious IEI Young Engineers Award in the field of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering for the year 2018-19. Dr. Nanda participated as a Young Scientist in Second SCO nations Young Scientist Conclave 2023 at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangaluru. He has received travel and research grants from SERB, UGC, CCSTDS (INSA), INAE. He is the in-charge of Digital Signal and Image Processing (DSIP) Lab. at MNIT. Under his supervision at MNIT Jaipur eight researchers have awarded PhD and five researchers are continuing their research work.

  • Adaptive Signal Processing
  • Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
  • Communication Laboratory-1
  • Communication Laboratory-2
  • Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
  • Neural Networks
  • Research Methodology II : (Modelling, Optimization and Transforms)
  • Technical Documentation
  • Training Seminar

Academic Year Level Name Details Facilities
2023-2024UGDigital Signal and Image Processing LaboratoryDigital Signal and Image Processing Laboratory is located at the 2nd floor of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. It is available for use of UG PG, and PhD Scholars.Computing- 26 Desktops with Intel Core i7 processors, 3 Desktops with Intel Core i5 processors. Software- MATLAB 2023, LABVIEW, LATEX Hardware- National Instruments ELVIS III Boards (Ten Numbers), Emona Signal and Systems Boards (Five Numbers), Emona Communications Boards (Five Numbers), TMS320C6713 DSK Boards (Twelve Numbers), TMS320DM6437 DSP Video Boards (Two Numbers).

  • Geetha P, S. J. Nanda, R. P. Yadav, "DOA Estimation in the Presence of Doppler Shifts Using Quantum-Inspired Swarm Intelligence Algorithms" , SN Computer Science (Springer ) Volume :5 / 1-31 / 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-024-02639-1
  • R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda, A. Sharma, "A spatio-temporal binary grid-based clustering model for seismicity analysis" , Pattern Analysis and Applications (Springer ) Volume :27 / / 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-024-01234-7
  • 2023
  • A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda, "A many objective chimp optimization algorithm to de-cluster earthquake catalogs in space time domain" , Soft Computing (Springer ) Volume :1 / 1-34 / 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-023-09314-2
  • R. Sharma, A. M. Joshi, C. Sahu, S. J. Nanda, "Temporal and consumer driven cluster analysis for identification of FDI attacks in smart grid" , International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields (Wiley) Volume :e3145 / 1-15 / 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jnm.3145
  • A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda, "Memory guided Aquila optimization algorithm with controlled search mechanism for seismicity analysis of earthquake prone regions" , Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :110894 / 1-38 / 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2023.110894
  • R. Sharma, A. M. Joshi, C. Sahu, S. J. Nanda, "Detection of false data injection in smart grid using PCA based unsupervised learning" , Electrical Engineering, Springer (Springer ) Volume :105 / 23832396 / 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-023-01809-3
  • A. Sharma, R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda, "Identification and spatio-temporal analysis of earthquake clusters using SOMDBSCAN model" , Neural Computing and Applications, Springer (Springer) Volume :35 / 80818108 / 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-022-08085-5
  • V. K. Maurya, S. J. Nanda, "Time-varying multi-objective smart home appliances scheduling using fuzzy adaptive dynamic SPEA2 algorithm" , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :121 / 105944,1-32 / 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2023.105944
  • R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda, "Earthquake pattern analysis using subsequence time series clustering " , Pattern Analysis and Applications, Springer (Springer) Volume :26 / 19-37 / 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-022-01092-1
  • 2022
  • R. Ratnakumar, S. J. Nanda, "A high-speed unsupervised hardware architecture for rapid diagnosis of COVID-19" , International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Wiley (Wiley) Volume :1 / 1-38 / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cta.3417
  • R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, "Solving Time Varying Many-Objective TSP With Dynamic 0-NSGA-III Algorithm" , Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :118 / 108493 / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2022.108493
  • A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda, "A multi-objective chimp optimization algorithm for seismicity de-clustering" , Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :121 / 108742 / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2022.108742
  • R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, "Objective Reduction in Many-Objective Optimization With Social Spider Algorithm for Cloud Detection in Satellite Images" , Soft Computing, Springer (Springer ) Volume :26 / 2935-2958 / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-021-06655-8
  • Geetha P., S. J. Nanda, R. P. Yadav , "A Parallel Chaotic Sailfish Optimization Algorithm for Estimation of DOA in Wireless Sensor Array" , Physical Communication, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :51 / 1-16 / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phycom.2021.101536
  • R. Gupta and S. J. Nanda, "Cloud detection in satellite images with classical and deep neural network approach: A review" , Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (Springer) Volume :81 / 31847-80 / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-022-12078-w
  • V. Pathak, S. J. Nanda, A. M. Joshi, S. S. Sahu, "Identification of characteristics frequency and hot-spots in protein sequence of COVID-19 disease" , Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :78 / 103909 / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2022.103909
  • S. J. Nanda, "Band selection in hyperspectral image with chaotic binary MOCLONAL algorithm" , SN Computer Science, Springer (Springer) Volume :3 / 410 / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-022-01314-7
  • Ajith J., S. J. Nanda, R. K. Maddila, "A Multi-Objective Natural Aggregation Algorithm for Optimizing User Allocation Matrix in Visible Light Communication" , Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :267 / 169692 / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijleo.2022.169692
  • 2021
  • R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, "Improved framework of many-objective evolutionary algorithm to handle cloud detection problem in satellite imagery" , IET Image Processing (IET) Volume :14 / 4795-4807 / 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-ipr.2020.0535
  • R. Ratnakumar, S. J. Nanda, "A high speed roller dung beetles clustering algorithm and its architecture for real-time image segmentation" , Applied Intelligence, Springer (Springer ) Volume :51 / 46824713 / 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-020-02067-7
  • V. Pathak, S. J. Nanda, A. M. Joshi, S. S. Sahu, "FPGA implementation of high-speed tunable IIR band pass notch filter for identification of hot-spots in protein" , International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Wiley (Wiley) Volume :49 / 3748-3765 / 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cta.3131
  • R. Verma, V. Janyani and S. J. Nanda, "Optimization of Hybrid Amplifier Parameters for Improved Optical Link Performance" , Optical and Quantum Electronics, Springer (Springer ) Volume :53 / 488 / 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11082-021-03094-5
  • D. K. Kotary and S. J. Nanda, "A Distributed Neighbourhood DBSCAN Algorithm for Effective Data Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks" , Wireless Personal Communications, Springer (Springer ) Volume :121 / 25452568 / 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08836-y
  • D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda, R. Gupta, "A many-objective whale optimization algorithm to perform robust distributed clustering in wireless sensor network" , Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :110 / 107650 / 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107650
  • R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda, "Seismicity analysis using space-time density peak clustering method" , Pattern Analysis and Applications, Springer (Springer ) Volume :24 / 181-201 / 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-020-00913-5
  • 2020
  • V. Pathak, S. J. Nanda, A. M. Joshi, S. S. Sahu, "Hardware Implementation of Infinite Impulse Response Anti-Notch Filter for Exon Region Identification in Eukaryotic Genes" , International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Wiley (Wiley) Volume :48 / 2242-2256 / 2020 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cta.2838
  • D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda, "Distributed clustering in peer to peer networks using multi-objective whale optimization" , Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :96 / 106625 / 2020 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106625
  • D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda, "Distributed robust data clustering in wireless sensor networks using diffusion moth flame optimization" , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier (Elsevier ) Volume :87 / 103342 / 2020 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2019.103342
  • V. Pathak, S. J. Nanda, A. M. Joshi, S. S. Sahu, "VLSI Implementation of Anti-notch Lattice Structure for Identification of Exon Regions in Eukaryotic Genes" , IET Computers & Digital Techniques (IET) Volume :14 / 217-229 / 2020 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-cdt.2019.0086
  • 2019
  • R. Ratnakumar, S. J. Nanda, "A low complexity hardware architecture of K-means algorithm for real-time satellite image segmentation" , Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (Springer) Volume :78 / 119491198 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-6726-6
  • S. J. Nanda, S. Garg, "Design of Supervised and Blind Channel Equalizer Based on Moth-Flame Optimization" , Springer, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B (Springer) Volume :100 / 105-115 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40031-018-0361-5
  • S. J. Nanda, I. Gulati, R. Chauhan, R. Modi, U. Dhaked, "A K-Means-Galactic Swarm Optimization-Based Clustering Algorithm with Otsu’s Entropy for Brain Tumor Detection" , Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor & Francis (Taylor & Francis) Volume :33 / 152-170 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08839514.2018.1530869
  • U. P. Shukla, S. J. Nanda , "Designing of a Risk Assessment Model for Issuing Credit Card Using Parallel Social Spider Algorithm" , Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor & Francis (Taylor & Francis) Volume :33 / 191-207 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08839514.2018.1537229
  • R. K. Vijay and S. J. Nanda, "Shared Nearest Neighborhood Intensity Based De-clustering Model for Analysis of Spatio-temporal Seismicity" , IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (IEEE) Volume :12 / 1619-1627 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTARS.2019.2905153
  • U. P. Shukla, S. J. Nanda , "Dynamic Clustering with Binary Social Spider Algorithm for Streaming Datasets" , Soft Computing, Springer (Springer) Volume :23 / 10717-37 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-018-3627-6
  • R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda, "A Quantum Grey Wolf Optimizer based declustering model for analysis of earthquake catalogs in an ergodic framework" , Journal of Computational Science, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :36 / 101019 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2019.07.006
  • R. Gupta and S. J. Nanda, "Vector-Angle Penalized NSGA-III to Solve Many-Objective Optimization Problems" , IET Electronics Letters (IET) Volume :55 / 198-200 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1049/el.2018.7164
  • D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda, "Automatic Determination of K in Distributed K-Means Clustering" , Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :165 / 556-564 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2020.01.050
  • R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda and U. P. Shukla, "Cloud detection in satellite images using multi-objective social spider optimization" , Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :79 / 203-226 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2019.03.042
  • K. P. Jaiprakash, S. J. Nanda, "Classifying Physical Actions of Human Models using Multi-objective Clustering based on Elephant Herding Algorithm" , Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :152 / 84-91 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2019.05.030
  • 2018
  • U. P. Shukla, S. J. Nanda, "A Binary Social Spider Optimization algorithm for unsupervised band selection in compressed hyperspectral images" , Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :97 / 336-356 / 2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2017.12.034
  • R. Vijay and S. J. Nanda, "A Tetra-stage Cluster Identification Model to Analyze the Seismic Activities of Japan, Himalaya and Taiwan" , IET Signal Processing (IET) Volume :12 / 95-103 / 2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-spr.2016.0639
  • S. Aggarwal, P. Chatterjee, R.P. Bhagat, K.K. Purbey, S.J. Nanda, "A Social Spider Optimization Algorithm with Chaotic Initialization for Robust Clustering" , Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :143 / 450-457 / 2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2018.10.417
  • U. P. Shukla, S. J. Nanda, "Denoising Hyperspectral Images using Hilbert Vibration Decomposition with Cluster Validation" , IET Image Processing (IET) Volume :12 / 1736-1745 / 2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-ipr.2017.1234
  • 2017
  • S. J. Nanda, N. Jonwal, "Robust Nonlinear Channel Equalization using WNN trained by Symbiotic Organism Search Algorithm" , Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier (Elsievier ) Volume :57 / 197-209 / 2017 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2017.03.029
  • K. Dimple, D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda, "An Incremental RLS for Distributed Parameter Estimation of IIR Systems Present in Computing Nodes of a Wireless Sensor Network" , Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :115 / 699-706 / 2017 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2017.09.146
  • S. Kapoor, I. Zeya, C. Singhal, S. J. Nanda, "A Grey Wolf Optimizer Based Automatic Clustering Algorithm for Satellite Image Segmentation" , Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :115 / 415-422 / 2017 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2017.09.100
  • 2016
  • U. P. Shukla, S. J. Nanda, "Parallel social spider clustering algorithm for high dimensional datasets" , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :56 / 75-90 / 2016 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2016.08.013
  • 2015
  • S. J. Nanda, G. Panda, "Design of computationally efficient density-based clustering algorithms" , Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :95 / 23-38 / 2015 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.datak.2014.11.004
  • 2014
  • S. J. Nanda and G. Panda, "A Survey on Nature Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms for Partitional Clustering" , Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :16 / 01-18 / 2014 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.swevo.2013.11.003
  • 2013
  • S. J. Nanda, P. M. Pradhan, G. Panda, L. Mansinha and K. F. Tiampo , "A Correlation Based Stochastic Partitional Algorithm for Accurate Cluster Analysis" , International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, Inderscience (Inderscience) Volume :6 / 52-58 / 2013 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1504/IJSISE.2013.051504
  • S. J. Nanda and G. Panda, "Automatic clustering algorithm based on multiobjective Immunized PSO to classify actions of 3D human models." , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :26 / 1429-1441 / 2013 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2012.11.008
  • S. J. Nanda, K. F. Tiampo, G. Panda, L. Mansinha, N. Cho, and A. Mignan, "A tri-stage cluster identification model for accurate analysis of seismic catalogs." , Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, Copernicus Publications (Copernicus Publications) Volume :20 / 143-162 / 2013 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/npg-20-143-2013
  • 2010
  • S. J. Nanda, G. Panda and B. Majhi , "Improved identification of Hammerstein plants using new CPSO and IPSO algorithms." , Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier (Elsevier) Volume :37 / 6868-6831 / 2010 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2010.03.043

  • A. Agarwal, S. J. Nanda, "Dynamic NSGA-III With KRR-ANOVA Kernel Predictor for in-Motion Sonar Image Segmentation" , IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence IEEE WCCI 2024 by :IEEE at Yokohama, Japan / 1-8 / 2024 ISBN: 979-8-3503-0836-5
  • 2023
  • A. Agarwal, S. J. Nanda, "In-Motion Underwater Sidescan Sonar Image Segmentation Using Dynamic NSGA-II Algorithm" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems IEEE-ANTS-2023 by :IEEE at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 784-789 / 2023 ISBN: 979-8-3503-0767-2
  • A. Panwar, S. J. Nanda, "Distributed Weighted Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Wireless Sensor Network Data Analysis" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems IEEE-ANTS-2023 by :IEEE at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 521-526 / 2023 ISBN: 979-8-3503-0767-2
  • Geetha P., S. J. Nanda, R. P. Yadav , "Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Uniform Linear Sensor Array With Salp Swarm Optimizer" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems IEEE-ANTS-2023 by :IEEE at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur / 408-413 / 2023 ISBN: 979-8-3503-0767-2
  • K. Chhabra, A. Gupta, Y. C. Adsule, A. G. Ravidas, S. J. Nanda, "Multi-Objective Image Segmentation Using SMS-EMOA for Side Scan Sonar Data Analysis" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies IEEE-ICCCNT-2023 by :IEEE at IIT Delhi / 1-7 / 2023 ISBN: 979-8-3503-3509-5
  • Geetha P., S. J. Nanda, R. P. Yadav, "A Chaotic Sailfish Optimizer for Accurate DOA Estimation in Automotive Radar" , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Microwave, Optical and Communication Engineering by :IEEE at IIT Bhubaneswar / 1-4 / 2023 ISBN: 979-8-3503-2160-9
  • 2022
  • D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda, "A Many Objective Chaotic Whale Optimization Based Automatic Clustering Algorithm for Distributed Data Analysis in WSN" , Second IEEE ODISHA International Conference on Electrical Power Engineering, Communication and Computing Technology IEEE-ODICON-2022 by :IEEE at Siksha O Anusandhan Deemed to Be Univ. Bhubaneswar / 1-6 / 2022 ISBN: 978-1-6654-7839-7
  • R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda , "Sliding Temporal Window-Based Feature Extraction With K-Means Clustering for Zagros (Iran) Seismicity Analysis" , 2022 IEEE International Conference on Connected Systems & Intelligence (CSI) by :IEEE at Digital University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India / 1-10 / 2022 ISBN: 978-1-6654-5815-3
  • S. Rajput, R. Chawra, P. S. Wani, S. J. Nanda, "Noisy Sonar Image Segmentation Using Reptile Search Algorithm" , 2022 IEEE International Conference on Connected Systems & Intelligence (CSI) by :IEEE at Digital University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India / 1-10 / 2022 ISBN: 978-1-6654-5815-3
  • 2021
  • Geetha P., S. J. Nanda, R. P. Yadav, "Direction of Arrival Estimation in Automotive Radar With Sailfish Optimization Algorithm" , 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 173-176 / 2021 ISBN: 978-1-7281-8753-2
  • R. Verma, V. Janyani and S. J. Nanda, " Design and Optimization of EDFA-Raman Hybrid Optical Amplifier Using Grey Wolf Optimizer" , 2021 International Conference on Communication, Control and Information Sciences (ICCISc) by :IEEE at Government Engineering College, Idukki,Kerla / 1-6 / 2021 ISBN: 978-1-6654-0
  • R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, "Solving Dynamic Many-Objective TSP Using NSGA-III Equipped With SVR-RBF Kernel Predictor" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2021) by :IEEE at Kraków, Poland / 95-102 / 2021 ISBN: 978-1-7281-8393-0
  • A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Vijay, "A Binary NSGA-II Model for De-Clustering Seismicity of Turkey and Chile" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2021) by :IEEE at Kraków, Poland / 981-988 / 2021 ISBN: 978-1-7281-8393-0
  • V. Pathak, S. J. Nanda, A. M. Joshi, S. S. Sahu, "FPGA Implementation of High Speed Anti-Notch Lattice Filter for Exon Region Identification in Eukaryotic Genes" , IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) by :IEEE at Tampa, Florida, USA / 418-421 / 2021 ISBN: 978-1-6654-3946-6
  • K. M. Kanaujia, A. Srigyan, U. Mishra, S. Sirvi, S. J. Nanda, "Robust Automatic Clustering Based on Local Density With Glowworm Swarm Optimization" , 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (IEEE-ICCCNT-21) by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1-7 / 2021 ISBN: 978-1-7281-8595-8
  • R. Ratnakumar, S. J. Nanda, "An Improved Genetic Clustering Architecture for Real-Time Satellite Image Segmentation" , 2021 International Conference on Advances in Technology, Management & Education (ICATME) by :IEEE at NITTR Bhopal, India / 123-128 / 2021 ISBN: 978-1-7281-8586-6
  • G. Ramya, S. J. Nanda, "A Binary Multi-Objective CLONAL Algorithm for Band Selection in Hyper-Spectral Images" , 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 99-104 / 2021 ISBN: 978-1-7281-8753-2
  • S. Gottam, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Maddila, "A CNN-LSTM Model Trained With Grey Wolf Optimizer for Prediction of Household Power Consumption" , 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)(Formerly iNiS) by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / 355-360 / 2021 ISBN: 978-1-7281-8753-2
  • 2020
  • A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda, "Timely Detection of Seismic Waves in Ground Motion Data Using Improved S-Transform" , Fifth IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering (IEEE-ICRAIE-2020) by :IEEE at Poornima University, Jaipur / 1-9 / 2020 ISBN: ISBN:978-1-7281-8
  • A. Gandhi, S. J. Nanda, "Time Series Forecasting Using a Polynomial Controlled S-Transform" , 11th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (IEEE-ICCCNT-2020) by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur / 1-7 / 2020 ISBN: 978-1-7281-6851-7
  • 2019
  • R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, "A Binary NSGA-III for Unsupervised Band Selection in Hyper-Spectral Satellite Images" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC-2019) by :IEEE at Wellington, New Zealand / 522-529 / 2019
  • S. J. Nanda, M. Sharma, A. Panda, "Clustering Big Datasets Using Orthogonal Gray Wolf Optimizer" , 18th International Conference on Information Technology (IEEE-ICIT-2019) by :IEEE at IIIT Bhubaneswar, India / 353-358 / 2019 ISBN: 978-1-7281-6052-8
  • R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, "Many-Objective B/NSGA-III for Band Selection in Cloud Contaminated Hyper-Spectral Images" , 18th International Conference on Information Technology (IEEE-ICIT-2019) by :IEEE at IIIT Bhubaneswar / 348-352 / 2019 ISBN: 978-1-7281-6052-8
  • D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda, "A Point Symmetry Distance Based K-Means Algorithm for Distributed Clustering in Peer to Peer Networks" , IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE-SMC-2019) by :IEEE at Bari, Italy / 3573-3579 / 2019 ISBN: 978-1-7281-4569-3
  • G. N. Kumar, C. P. Kumar, V. H. Rao, A. Joseph, S. J. Nanda, "Multi-Objective Clustering Using Find-Fix-Finish-Exploit-Analyze (F3EA) Algorithm" , 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (IEEE-ICCCNT-2019) by :IEEE at IIT Kanpur / 1-6 / 2019 ISBN: 978-1-5386-5907-6
  • P. Khare, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Vijay, "Clustering Networks Based on Physarum Optimization for Seismic Catalogs Analysis" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC-2019) by :IEEE at Wellington, New Zealand / 2864-2871 / 2019
  • 2018
  • R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda, "Shared Nearest Neighbor Based Classification of Earthquake Catalogs in Spatio-Temporal Domain" , Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (IEEE-ICCUBEA-18) by :IEEE at Pune, India / 1 / 2018 ISBN: 6
  • V. Pathak, S. J. Nanda, A. M. Joshi, S. S. Sahu, "High Speed Implementation of Notch/Anti-Notch IIR Filter on FPGA" , 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (IEEE-INDICON-2018) by :IEEE at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India / 1-6 / 2018 ISBN: 978-1-5386-8235-7
  • V. Lall, C. Gaurav, R. Khanna, W. Nangigadda, S. J. Nanda, "A Mask Regional Convolutional Neural Network Model for Segmenting Real Time Traffic Images" , IEEE 9th International Conference on COMPUTING, COMMUNICATION and NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES (IEEE-ICCCNT-2018) by :IEEE at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru,India / / 2018
  • 2017
  • S. Kumawat, R. K. Maddila, S. J. Nanda, "2D Code Construction Using DW Code Families for SAC-OCDMA Systems" , 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (IEEE TENCON 2017) by :IEEE at Penang, Malaysia / 2451-2455 / 2017
  • I. R. Kumawat, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Maddila, "Multi-Objective Whale Optimization " , 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference (IEEE-TENCON-2017) by :IEEE at Penang, Malaysia / 1-6 / 2017
  • K. Kumar, S. J. Nanda, "Design of Low Complexity Universal Bi-Quadratic Filters Using Current Feedback Amplifier" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at Manipal Univarsity Jaipur and MNIT Jaipur / 472-477 / 2017
  • R. Vijay, S. J. Nanda, "Declustering of an Earthquake Catalog Based on Ergodicity Using Parallel Grey Wolf Optimization" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC 2017) by :IEEE at San Sebastián, Spain / 1667-1674 / 2017
  • 2016
  • U. P. Shukla, S. J. Nanda, "Cluster Analysis of Evolving Data Streams Using Centroid Initialization Methods" , 3rd Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics Engineering (IEEE-UPCON 2016) by :IEEE at Banaras Hindu University (IIT-BHU),Varanasi, India / 624-629 / 2016
  • Vikas, S. J. Nanda, "Multi-Objective Moth Flame Optimization" , 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Informatics (IEEE-ICACCI-2016) by :IEEE at LMNIT JAIPUR / 2470-2476 / 2016
  • R. Ratnakumar, S. J. Nanda, "A FSM Based Approach for Efficient Implementation of K-Means Algorithm" , 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (IEEE-VDAT 2016) by :IEEE at IIT Gouhati / 1-6 / 2016
  • 2015
  • S. J. Nanda, "A WNN-CSO Model for Accurate Forecasting of Chaotic and Nonlinear Time Series" , IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (IEEE SPICES 15) by :IEEE at NIT Calicut / 1-5 / 2015
  • S. Yadav, S. J. Nanda , "League Championship Algorithm for Clustering" , IEEE Power, Communication and Information Technology Conference (IEEE-PCITC 15) by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar / 321-326 / 2015
  • S. J. Nanda, G. Panda, "A Clustering Model Based on Colliding Bodies Optimization for Analysis of Seismic Catalog" , International Conference on Microwave, Optical and Communication Engineering (IEEE-ICMOCE-2015) by :IEEE at IIT Bhubaneswar / 1-4 / 2015
  • 2014
  • S. J. Nanda, R. Raman, S. Vijay, A. Bhardwaj, "A New Density Based Clustering Algorithm for Binary Data Sets" , IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Applications (IEEE-ICHPCA 14) by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar / 1-6 / 2014 ISBN: 978-1-4799-5957-0
  • 2012
  • S. J. Nanda and G. Panda, "Automatic Clustering Using MOCLONAL for Classifying Actions of 3D Human Models" , IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research (IEEE-SHUSER 12) by :IEEE at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / 945-950 / 2012 ISBN: 978-1-4673-1311-7
  • S. J. Nanda and G. Panda, "Accurate Partitional Clustering Algorithm Based on Immunized PSO" , IEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science and Management (IEEE- ICAESM 12) by :IEEE at Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu / 524-528 / 2012 ISBN: 978-1-4673-0213-5
  • 2011
  • V. Baghel, S. J. Nanda and G. Panda, "New GOPSO and Its Application to Robust Identification" , IEEE International Conference on Energy Automation and Signal (IEEE-ICEAS 11) by :IEEE at Bhubaneswar, Odisha / 1-6 / 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4673-0137-4
  • 2009
  • S. J. Nanda, G. Panda, B. Majhi and P. Tah, "Improved Identification of Nonlinear MIMO Plants Using New Hybrid FLANN-AIS Model" , IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IEEE- IACC 09) by :IEEE at Thapar University, Patiala / 141-146 / 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4244-2927-1
  • S. J. Nanda, G. Panda and B. Majhi , "Development of Immunized PSO Algorithm and Its Application to Hammerstein Model Identification" , IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE - CEC 09) by :IEEE at Trondheim, Norway / 3080-3086 / 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4244-2958-5
  • S. J. Nanda, S. K. Behera and G. Panda, "Development of a Nonlinear Model of Unijunction Transistor Using Artificial Immune System" , IEEE World Congress on Nature and Bio-Inspired Computing (IEEE - NaBIC 09) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / 725-730 / 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4244-5053-4
  • S. S. Sahu, G. Panda and S. J. Nanda, "Improved Protein Structural Class Prediction Using Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Immune System" , IEEE World Congress on Nature and Bio-Inspired Computing (IEEE - NaBIC 09) by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / 731-735 / 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4244-5053-4
  • S. J. Nanda, G. Panda and B. Majhi, "Improved Identification of Hammerstein Model Based on Artificial Immune System" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing (ICETiC-09) by :IEEE at Tamil Nadu, India / 1-6 / 2009
  • 2008
  • S. J. Nanda, G. Panda, B. Majhi and P.Tha, "Development of a New Optimization Algorithm Based on Artificial Immune System and Its Application" , IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, (IEEE - ICIT 08) by :IEEE at XIMB, Bhubaneswar / 45-48 / 2008 ISBN: 978-1-4244-3745-0
  • S. J. Nanda, G. Panda and B. Majhi, "Development of Novel Digital Equalizers for Noisy Nonlinear Channel Using Artificial Immune System" , IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (IEEE - ICIIS 08) by :IEEE at IIT Kharagpur, India / 1-6 / 2008 ISBN: 978-1-4244-2806-9
  • S. J. Nanda, G. Panda and B. Majhi, "Improved Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Using Artificial Immune System" , Annual IEEE India Conference (IEEE-INDICON 08) by :IEEE at IIT Kanpur, India / 268-273 / 2008 ISBN: 978-1-4244-3825-9

  • Reference Book, "Data Science and Intelligent Computing Techniques" ISBN:978-81-955020-2-8 published by - Soft Computing Research Society Book Series on COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Year: 2022 authors- Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, Rajendra Prasad Yadav
  • Reference Book, "Proceedings of the International Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences: PCCDS 2022" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-19-8741-0 published by - Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, Springer Singapore Year: 2023 authors- Rajendra Prasad Yadav, Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, Prashant Singh Rana, Meng-Hiot Lim
  • Reference Book, "Proceedings of International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Analytics : PCCDA 2023" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-99-4625-9 published by - Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, Springer Singapore Year: 2023 authors- Anupam Yadav, Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, Meng-Hiot Lim
  • Reference Book, "Data Science and Applications Proceedings of ICDSA 2023, Volume 1" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-99-7861-8 published by - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS, volume 818), Springer Singapore Year: 2024 authors- Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, Rajendra Prasad Yadav, Amir H. Gandomi, Mukesh Saraswat
  • Reference Book, "Data Science and Applications Proceedings of ICDSA 2023, Volume 2" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-99-7819-9 published by - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS, volume 819), Springer Singapore Year: 2024 authors- Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, Rajendra Prasad Yadav, Amir H. Gandomi, Mukesh Saraswat
  • Reference Book, "Data Science and Applications Proceedings of ICDSA 2023, Volume 3" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-99-7816-8 published by - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS, volume 820), Springer Singapore Year: 2024 authors- Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, Rajendra Prasad Yadav, Amir H. Gandomi, Mukesh Saraswat
  • Reference Book, "Data Science and Applications Proceedings of ICDSA 2023, Volume 4" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-99-7813-7 published by - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS, volume 821), Springer Singapore Year: 2024 authors- Satyasai Jagannath Nanda, Rajendra Prasad Yadav, Amir H. Gandomi, Mukesh Saraswat

  • Book Chapter, "Optimal Path Determination in a Survivable Virtual Topology of an Optical Network using Ant Colony Optimization" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-10-3324-7 published by - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol. 547 Year: 2017 authors- K. Kumari, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Maddila
  • Book Chapter, "Positioning LED Panel for Uniform Illuminance in Indoor VLC System using Whale Optimization" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-10-7394-6 published by - Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, Vol.472 Year: 2018 authors- I. R. Kumawat, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Maddila
  • Book Chapter, "Diffusion Least Mean Square Algorithm for Identification of IIR System Present in Each Node of a Wireless Sensor Networks" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-10-8054-8 published by - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol.711 Year: 2019 authors- K. Dimple, D. K. Kotary, S. J. Nanda
  • Book Chapter, "Classifying Aggressive Actions of 3D Human Models Using Correlation Based Affinity Propagation Algorithm" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-10-8227-6 published by - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol.712 Year: 2018 authors- B. Gouda, S. J. Nanda
  • Book Chapter, "A Color Transformation Approach to Retrieve Cloudy Pixels in Daytime Satellite Images" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-10-8227-6 published by - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol.712 Year: 2018 authors- R. Gupta, S. J. Nanda, P. Panchal
  • Book Chapter, "Elephant Herding Algorithm for Clustering" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-13-1279-3 published by - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol. 740 Year: 2019 authors- K. P. Jaiprakash, S. J. Nanda
  • Book Chapter, "A Hardware Architecture Based on Genetic Clustering for Color Image Segmentation" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-13-1591-6 published by - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol. 816 Year: 2019 authors- R. Ratnakumar, S. J. Nanda
  • Book Chapter, "A Variable E-DBSCAN Algorithm for Declustering Earthquake Catalogs" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-13-1591-6 published by - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol. 816 Year: 2019 authors- R. K. Vijay, S. J. Nanda
  • Book Chapter, "Coverage Optimization of a VLC-Based Smart Room with Genetic Algorithm" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-13-6158-6 published by - Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, Vol. 546 Year: 2020 authors- K. D. Kumar, R. K. Maddila, S. J. Nanda
  • Book Chapter, "VLSI Implementation of Tunable Band-Pass Notch IIR Filter for Localization of Hot spots in Proteins" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-15-5545-9 published by - Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer, Vol.673 Year: 2020 authors- V. Pathak, S. J. Nanda, A. M. Joshi, S. S. Sahu
  • Book Chapter, "Clustering High-Dimensional Datasets using Quantum Social Spider Optimization with DWT" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-33-6983-2 published by - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol.1335 Year: 2021 authors- J. B. Narayana, S. J. Nanda, U. P. Shukla
  • Book Chapter, " A Neural Network Model to Estimate Parameters of DBSCAN for Flood Image Segmentation" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-16-6893-7 published by - Algorithms for Intelligent Systems, Springer Year: 2022 authors- R. Verma, S. J. Nanda
  • Book Chapter, "A model based on fuzzy C-means with density peak clustering for seismicity analysis of Earthquake Prone Regions" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-16-2712-5 published by - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, Vol.1393 Year: 2021 authors- A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda, R. K. Vijay
  • Book Chapter, "A High-Speed Architecture for Lung Cancer Diagnosis" ISBN:ISBN 978-166-84-6525-7 published by - Book-Structural and Functional Aspects of Biocomputing Systems for Data Processing, IGI Global Year: 2023 authors- R. Ratnakumar, Shilpa K., S. J. Nanda
  • Book Chapter, "A Modified Self-organizing Map with Mean-Shift Clustering for Seismicity Analysis of Earthquake Catalogs" ISBN:ISBN 978-981-99-7817-5 published by - Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 820, Springer Year: 2024 authors- A. Sharma, S. J. Nanda

Journal Name Publisher Role Duration
SN Computer ScienceSpringerGuest Editor11-08-2023 - Present

  • International level Conference on 5th International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICDSA 2024) at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 17-07-2024 to 19-07-2024
  • International level Conference on 4th International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICDSA 2023) at Malaviya National Institute of Technology , Jaipur, India from 14-07-2023 to 15-07-2023
  • National level Short Term Course on Two Week Online Global Summer Faculty Development Program on Advanced Optimization Techniques and Hands-on with MATLAB/SCILAB (AOT 2022) at Electronics and ICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 08-08-2022 to 19-08-2022
  • International level Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Sciences (PCCDS 2022) at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 05-07-2022 to 07-07-2022
  • National level Short Term Course on EICT One Week Online Global Winter FDP on Machine Learning Application in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering at EICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 03-01-2022 to 08-01-2022
  • International level Symposia on 7th IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (IEEE-iSES) at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 20-12-2021 to 22-12-2021
  • National level Short Term Course on EICT Two Week Online Global Summer Faculty Development Program on Advanced Optimization Techniques and Hands-on with MATLAB/SCILAB (AOT 2021) at Electronics and ICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 06-09-2021 to 17-09-2021
  • National level Short Term Course on Two Week Online Global Summer Faculty Development Program on Advanced Optimization Techniques and Hands-on with MATLAB/SCILAB (AOT 2020) at Electronics and ICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 13-07-2020 to 24-07-2020
  • National level Short Term Course on EICT One Week Global NKN Winter Faculty Development Program on AI & Machine Learning at Electronics and ICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 23-12-2019 to 27-12-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on EICT One Week Global NKN Summer Faculty Development Program on Advancements in Signal Processing & Optimization Techniques at Electronics and ICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 03-06-2019 to 07-06-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on EICT One Week Faculty Development Program on Signal Processing and Data Mining Techniques for Research using MATLAB at Electronics and ICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 27-03-2019 to 31-03-2019
  • National level Short Term Course on EICT One Week Global NKN Winter Faculty Development Program on Wireless and Mobile Communication at Electronics and ICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology , Jaipur, India from 03-12-2018 to 07-12-2018
  • National level Short Term Course on EICT One Week Global NKN Summer Faculty Development Program on AI and Machine Learning at Electronics and ICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 04-06-2018 to 08-06-2018
  • National level Short Term Course on One Week Faculty Development Program on Emerging Application in Image Processing at Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 21-02-2018 to 25-02-2018
  • National level Short Term Course on Two week Faculty Development Program on Advanced Optimization Techniques (AOT-2017) at Electronics and ICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India from 06-10-2017 to 15-10-2017
  • National level Short Term Course on Two Week Faculty Development Program on Fundamentals of Analog and Digital Communication Systems at Electronics and ICT Academy, Malaviya National Institute of Technology , Jaipur, India from 13-05-2017 to 22-05-2017
  • National level Workshop on "Three days National Workshop on Nature Inspired Optimization (NIO-2016)" at Dept. of Electronics and Comm. Engg., MNIT , Jaipur, India from 21-10-2016 to 23-10-2016
  • National level Workshop on One Day Workshop on Quantam Computing at Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engg, MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 24-09-2016 to 24-09-2016
  • National level Workshop on One day Workshop on "Open Educational Resources" at Electronics and ICT Academy, MNIT, Jaipur, India from 13-04-2016 to 13-04-2016
  • National level Workshop on One Week FDP on Adaptive Signal Processing : Theory and Application at Electronics & ICT Academy, MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 26-02-2016 to 01-03-2016
  • National level Workshop on Compressive Sensing at Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 12-09-2015 to 13-09-2015
  • National level Workshop on "One Week National Workshop on Nature Inspired Computing and Applications (NICA-2015)" at Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 02-04-2015 to 06-04-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on "One Week Faculty Development Program on Advancements in Adaptive Signal Processing" (AASP-2013) at Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 17-12-2013 to 21-12-2013

  • International level Conference on 5th International Conference on Data Science and Applications (ICDSA 2024) at Malaviya National Institute of Technology , Jaipur, India from 17-07-2024 to 19-07-2024
  • International level Conference on IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence at Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center, Yokohama , JAPAN from 30-06-2024 to 05-07-2024
  • National level FDP on Faculty Development Program in 5G Technology at Ministry of Communications, Department of Telecommunications, Govt. of India , Technical Division, UP West LSA (Online), India from 27-03-2024 to 25-04-2024
  • National level Conference on Recent Trends in Space Technology (RTST-2024) at ISRO Regional Academic Centre for Space (RAC-S), MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 20-03-2024 to 21-03-2024
  • National level Workshop on 5G Use Case Labs: Awareness and Pre-commissioning Readiness at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India from 30-01-2024 to 31-08-2024
  • International level Conference on 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (IEEE ANTS 2023) at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 17-12-2023 to 20-12-2023
  • International level Conference on 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2023) at Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 14-12-2023 to 15-12-2023

  • Senior Member of IEEE
  • Senior Member of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
  • Long Term Member of Soft Computing Research Society
  • Senior Member of IEEE Computer Society
  • Senior Member of IEEE Young Professionals

  • Dr. Geetha P. on Design of Nature Inspired Algorithms based on Sailfish Optimizer for Direction of Arrival Estimation and Applications Year - 2024
  • Dr. Ashish Sharma on Design of Seismicity De-clustering models using Self Organizing Map, Fuzzy Logic and Chimp Optimization Algorithm Year - 2023
  • Dr. Vikas Pathak on Hardware Implementation of Digital Filtering Techniques for Genomic Sequence Analysis Year - 2022
  • Dr. Rahul Ratnakumar on Hardware Implementation of K-Means and Nature Inspired Clustering Algorithms for Real-Time Image Segmentation Year - 2021
  • Dr. Dinesh Kumar Kotary on Distributed Data Clustering with Density Based Approaches and Nature Inspired Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks Year - 2021
  • Dr. Rahul Kumar Vijay on Design of Statistical and Swarm Intelligence Based Declustering Models for Spatio-Temporal Seismicity Analysis Year - 2020
  • Dr. Gupta Rachana Kedarnath on Clustering Algorithms Based on Multi- and Many-Objective Optimization for Cloud Detection in Satellite Images Year - 2020
  • Dr. Urvashi Prakash Shukla on Clustering Algorithms Based on Social Spider Optimization for Hyperspectral Image Analysis Year - 2019
  • Ongoing
  • Mr. MOHIT SHARMA on AI/ML for Seismic Signal Processing Year - 2024
  • Mrs. Anita Panwar on Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network Year - 2022
  • Mrs. Loveena Singh on Emerging Technologies in 5G Communication Year - 2022
  • Aakansha Agarwal on Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Data Clustering Year - 2021
  • Mr. Neeraj Sharma on Optical channel equalization Year - 2019

  • Insha Yaqoob Sheikh on Image Enhancement, Segmentation with Fuzzy Logic and Spiking UNET Year - 2022-2023 (Completed)
  • Vivek Kumar on Indian Regional Languages Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Deep Learning Techniques Year - 2022-2023 (Completed)
  • 2021-2022
  • Rajat Yadav on Hyperspectral Image Segmentation using Multiobjective Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm based on Chebyshev Decomposion Year - 2021-2022 (Completed)
  • Aniruddh Yadav on A Modified MOAGDE using Strength-Pareto Algorithm for Seismicity Declustering Year - 2021-2022 (Completed)
  • V. K. Kamal on Modified Fire Hawk Optimization Algorithm for DOA Estimation using Uniform Circular Array Year - 2021-2022 (Completed)
  • 2020-2021
  • Vikas Ku Maurya on A Fuzzy Adaptive Dynamic SPEA2 Algorithm for Time Varying Multi-objective Home Appliances Scheduling Year - 2020-2021 (Completed)
  • Gaurav Prakash on Side-Scan Sonar Image Segmentation using Multifactorial Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Population Evolvability (MFEA-PE) Year - 2020-2021 (Completed)
  • 2019-2020
  • Rashi Gupta on Solving Dynamic Many-objective TSP using O-NSGA-III Equipped with SVR-RBF Kernel Predictor Year - 2019-2020 (Completed)
  • Gutta Ramya on Binary Multi-objective CLONAL Algorithm for Band Reduction in Hyper-spectral images Year - 2019-2020 (Completed)
  • Shilpa Gottam on CNN-LSTM Model Trained with Grey Wolf Optimizer for Prediction of Household Power Consumption Year - 2019-2020 (Completed)
  • 2018-2019
  • Shalu on Solving Constrained Many-Objective Optimization Problem with O-NSGA-III Algorithm Year - 2018-2019 (Completed)
  • Rohitash Verma on A Neural Network Model to Estimate Parameters of DBSCAN for Flood Image Segmentation Year - 2018-2019 (Completed)
  • J. B. Narayana on Clustering High Dimensional Datasets using Quantum Social Spider Optimization with DWT Year - 2018-2019 (Completed)
  • 2017-2018
  • Prasunika Khare on Design of Medication Analogy Network and Earthquake Clustering Network using Physarum Optimization Year - 2017-2018 (Completed)
  • Shivani Sharma on Improved Pity Beetle Algorithm for Single Objective Optimization Year - 2017-2018 (Completed)
  • Mohit Sharma on Design of Orthogonal Grey Wolf Optimization for Clustering Year - 2017-2018 (Completed)
  • 2016-2017
  • Ankush Gandhi on Time Series Forecasting using A Polynomial Controlled S-Transform Year - 2016-2017 (Completed)
  • P.J. Karanjekar on Single and Multi-Objective Clustering using Elephant Herding Algorithm Year - 2016-2017 (Completed)
  • 2015-2016
  • I. R. Kumawat on Optimum Uniform Illuminance and Communication in Indoor VLC System using Whale Optimization Algorithm Year - 2015-2016 (Completed)
  • K. M. Dimple on Algorithms for Identification of IIR System Present in Each node of a Wireless Sensor Network Year - 2015-2016 (Completed)
  • Ajith J. on A Multi-objective Natural Aggregation Algorithm for Optimizing User Allocation Matrix in Visible Light Communication Year - 2015-2016 (Completed)
  • 2014-2015
  • Vikas on A New Multi-objective Moth Flame Optimization and its Application to Power Distribution Problem Year - 2014-2015 (Completed)
  • Ashish Sharma on Arrival Time Detection of Seismic Waves using Improved S-Transform Year - 2014-2015 (Completed)
  • Kuldeep Kumar on A Current Feedback Amplifier based Approach for Efficient Design of Low Complexity Universal Bi-quadratic Filters Year - 2014-2015 (Completed)
  • Koushlya Kumari on Optimal Path Determination in a Survivable Virtual Topology of an Optical Network using Ant Colony Optimization Year - 2014-2015 (Completed)
  • Binayak Gouda on Application of a New Correlation based Affinity Propagation Algorithm to 3D human Modelling Year - 2014-2015 (Completed)
  • 2013-2014
  • Sangeeta Yadav on Cluster Analysis of Overlapping Datasets using Nature Inspired Algorithms Year - 2013-2014 (Completed)
  • Kusha Tyagi on Hardware Implementation of Adaptive System Identification Year - 2013-2014 (Completed)
  • Nidhi Jonwal on Design of Robust Equalizers based on Neural Networks Trained by Evolutionary Algorithms Year - 2013-2014 (Completed)

  • Topic: Seismicity Declustering with ML Algorithms Year - 2024-2025
    NIKHIL AGRAWAL (Ongoing)
    SANSKAR GUPTA (Ongoing)
    HARSH LAMBA (Ongoing)
  • Topic: Extractive Document Text Summarization using NSGA-II Year - 2023-2024
    AAYUSH CHHABRA (Completed)
    YUVRAJ SINGH (Completed)
    SHAH MOXESH MITUL (Completed)
    VATSAL SONI (Completed)
  • Topic: Multi-objective Image Segmentation using SMS-EMOA for Side Scan Sonar Data Analysis Year - 2022-2023
    Yash C. Adsule (Completed)
    Khushi Chhabra (Completed)
    Ankit Gupta (Completed)
    A. G. Ravidas (Completed)
    Nishant Gupta (Completed)
  • Topic: Noisy Sonar Image Segmentation using Reptile Search Algorithm Year - 2021-2022
    Shweta Rajput (Completed)
    Resham Chawra (Completed)
    Palash S. Wani (Completed)
    Rupesh Yadav (Completed)
  • Topic: Robust automatic clustering based on Local Density with Glowworm Swarm Optimization Year - 2020-2021
    Anurag Srigyan (Completed)
    Upasana Mishra (Completed)
    Shobha Sirvi (Completed)
    Kaustubh Mani (Completed)
  • Topic: Nature Inspired Optimization algorithms for Analysis of Satellite Images Year - 2019-2020
    Raju Rajpurohit (Completed)
    Ananya Sharma (Completed)
    Harish PPSV (Completed)
    Shubham Verma (Completed)
  • Topic: Multi-Objective Clustering using Find Fix Finish Exploit Analyze Algorithm Year - 2018-2019
    Gadiraju N. K. (Completed)
    Cilaveni P. K. (Completed)
    V. Hemant (Completed)
    Angelena Joseph (Completed)
  • Topic: Optical Channel Nonlinearity Mitigation Through Adaptive Filter and Neural Networks Year - 2018-2019
    Parag K. Goyal (Completed)
    Pranjal Goyal (Completed)
    Manish Bairwa (Completed)
    Jyoti Gupta (Completed)
  • Topic: A Mask Regional Convolutional Neural Network Model for Segmenting Real Time Traffic Images Year - 2017-2018
    Vishakha Lall (Completed)
    Chitransh Gaura (Completed)
    Rishabh Khanna (Completed)
    W. Nangigadda (Completed)
  • Topic: A Social Spider Optimization Algorithm with Chaotic Initialization for Robust Clustering Year - 2017-2018
    Sakshi Aggrawal (Completed)
    P. Chatterjee (Completed)
    Raj P. Bhagat (Completed)
    Keshav Purbey (Completed)
  • Topic: A Grey Wolf Optimizer Based Automatic Clustering Algorithm for Satellite Image Segmentation Year - 2016-2017
    Shubham Kapoor (Completed)
    Irshad Zeya (Completed)
    Chirag Singhal (Completed)
  • Topic: Hardware Implementation of Channel Equalizer using Nature Inspired Algorithm Year - 2016-2017
    Swati Garg (Completed)
    Deepak Kataria (Completed)
    Ravi Prakash (Completed)
  • Topic: A K-Means-Galactic Swarm Optimization-Based Clustering Algorithm with Otsus Entropy for Brain Tumor Detection Year - 2015-2016
    Ishank Gulati (Completed)
    Rajat Chauhan (Completed)
    Uttam Dhaked (Completed)
    Rahul Modi (Completed)
  • Topic: Genomic Signal Processing Year - 2014-2015
    Riya Saini (Completed)
    Vijaya Singh (Completed)
    Vijay Sharma (Completed)
    Priya Sah (Completed)
  • Topic: Time Series Prediction using Neural Network Year - 2013-2014
    Ankur Ku. Jain (Completed)
    Anshul Agrawal (Completed)
    Abhishek Jain (Completed)
    Md. Sheraz Lari (Completed)

Title Total Outlay
(In Lacs)
Year Funding Agency Role
Electronics and ICT Academy (Phase-2)106.002024-2029Ministry of Eelctronics and IT, Govt. of IndiaCo-PI
5G Use Case Laboratory at MNIT Jaipur (One of the 100 5G Use Case Laboratory for Higher Educational Institutions) 71.252023-2029Department of Telecommunication, Ministry of Communications, Govt. of IndiaPI
Electronics and ICT Academy(Phase1)779.002015-2023Ministry of Communication and IT, Govt. of IndiaCo-PI

  • Joint Faculty in the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering, MNIT Jaipur in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from - 07-08-2024 to Till Date
  • Coordinator Electronics and ICT Academy Phase-II MNIT Jaipur in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from - 17-07-2024 to Till Date
  • Co-coordinator Electronics and ICT Academy Phase-I MNIT Jaipur in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from - 01-01-2016 to Till Date
  • Member of Institute Ranking Committee in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from - 29-07-2022 to 16-07-2024
  • DUGC Convener, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from - 01-10-2021 to 16-10-2023
  • Co-coordinator, Campus Wide Network & Telephony at MNIT Jaipur in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from - 28-07-2020 to 17-07-2022
  • Co-coordinator E-Governance in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur from - 23-05-2014 to 23-05-2015

  • Second Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Nations Young Scientist for Second SCO-YSC Young Scientist in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis given by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India and JNCASR, Bengaluru, Karnataka Year - 2023
  • Best Paper Award at 2nd IEEE Odisha International Conf. on ODICON-2022 for presenting paper title : A Many-objective Chaotic Whale Optimization based Automatic Clustering.. given by Faculty of Engineering & Technology (ITER), Siksha O Anusandhan (Deemed to be Univ.), Bhubaneswar Year - 2022
  • Best Paper Award at 10th International Conf. Soft Comp. for Problem Solving (Springer-SocProS-2020) for presenting paper title : A Model based on Fuzzy C-Means with Density Peak Clustering.. given by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY INDORE, INDIA Year - 2020
  • Best Paper Award at Second International Conf. on Computing & Communications (Springer-IC3-2018) for presenting paper title : Elephant herding algorithm for clustering. given by Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Sikkim Year - 2018
  • IEI YOUNG ENGINEERS AWARD for Research Contribution in Electronics and Telecommunication Division given by The Institution of Engineers (India) Year - 2018
  • Best Paper Award at 1st International Conf. on Optical and Wireless Technologies (Springer-OWT-2017) for presenting paper title : Positioning LED panel for uniform illuminance in indoor VLC system using .. given by Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur Year - 2017
  • Best Paper Award at 7th International Conf. Soft Comput. for Problem Solving (Springer-SocProS-2017) for presenting paper title : A Variable e-DBSCAN Algorithm for Declustering Earthquake Catalogs. given by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BHUBANESWAR Year - 2017
  • Best Paper Award at National Seminar on Remote Sensing : Enabling Our Future for presenting paper title : A New Transformation Approach for Day Time Cloud Detection in .. given by IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Gujurat Chapter and Maharaja Sayajirao University, Baroda Year - 2016
  • Best Paper Award at 3rd IEEE International Conference UPCON-2016 for presenting paper title : Cluster analysis of evolving data streams using centroid initialization .. given by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BHU (Banaras Hindu University) Year - 2016
  • Best PhD Thesis Award at 5th Int. Conf. Soft Comp. for Problem Solving (Springer-SocProS-2015) for Best innovative thesis presented at SocPros 2015 entitled : DEVELOPMENT OF NEW SIGNAL PROCESSING .. given by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE Year - 2015
  • Proctor to Guide at IEEEXtreme 9.0 programming competition for given by IEEE NewYork Year - 2015
  • Mentoring Engineering Teachers by INAE Fellows for Research work at IIT Bhubaneswar given by Indian National Academy of Engineering Year - 2015

SNo. Type Title Event Place Schedule
1ChairMachine Learning and Its Applications3rd International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering (AMSE-2024)Online at Centre for Data Science (CDS) and Dept. of Mathematics, Siksha O Anusandhan (Deem Univ.)Jul-2024
2ChairTrack :3 Earth ObservationsNational Conference on Recent Trends in Space Technology (RTST-2024)ISRO Regional Academic Centre for Space (RAC-S) at MNIT JaipurMar-2024
3KeynoteAI algorithms for Hyperspectral Image Analysis 5th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Applications (WCAIAA 2024)Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur Feb-2024
4KeynoteMulti-objective Optimization Theory and ApplicationsWorkshop on Advanced Optimization Techniques (AOT 2023)Department of Electrical Engineering, MNIT JaipurDec-2023
5Member of CommitteeOrganizing Committee Member of IEEE ANTS 202317th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications SystemsMNIT JaipurDec-2023
6ChairSession Chair for IOT and Netoerks17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications SystemsMNIT JaipurDec-2023
7ChairSession Chair for Signal and Image Processing3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES)Manipal University JaipurDec-2023
8KeynoteArtificial Intelligence Techniques for Satellite Image AnalysisStudent Workshop on "Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in IoT"SKIT Jaipur Sep-2023
9KeynoteRecent Advancements in Multi-objective Optimization Techniques and Their Applications Faculty Development Program Intelligent Computing and CommunicationsCentre for Artificial Intelligence, Banasthali Vidyapith with support from DST, Govt. of IndiaApr-2023
10Keynote ChatGPT : An OverviewSecond Regional Conclave of Students Chapter of The Institution of Engineers (IEI, India)SKIT Jaipur and Rajasthan State Centre, IEIMar-2023
11KeynoteHyperspectral image segmentation using evolutionary computing algorithmsSECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, COMPUTATIONAL ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (AICECS-2023)Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal, Karnataka, IndiaFeb-2023
12KeynoteMulti-objective optimization algorithms for seismicity de-clusteringSecond SCO Nations Young Scientist ConclaveJawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru, Karnataka Feb-2023
13TalkNature Inspired Optimization Algorithms for Data Clustering5th Siksha O Anusandhan Weekly Academic Lecture (SOAWAL 2022-23)Centre for Data Science, Faculty of Engineering & Technology (ITER), Siksha O Anusandhan Univ.Sep-2022
14KeynoteEngineering Applications of Optimization TechniquesFIVE DAYS Workshop on Optimization Techniques & ApplicationsSchool of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT-AP UniversityJul-2022
15TalkGraphics in LATEXOne week online Joint FDP on "Research Methodology" EICT Academy, IIT GuwahatiApr-2022
16TalkNature Inspired optimization algorithms for Hyper-spectral/Multispectral image analysisElectronics and Communication Weekend Webinar (ECWW) Series Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Siksha O Anusandhan Univ., BhubaneswarApr-2022
17TalkArtificial Intelligence for Imaging and Computer Vision ApplicationsEICT FDP on "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Communication and Signal Processing (AICSP)"Department of Computer Science & Engineering, NIT Warangal, TelanganaMar-2022
18TalkAdaptive Techniques for Digital Channel EqualizationEICT Sponsored Online FDP on "Signal and Image Processing Techniques for Next Generation Applications" Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, NIT WarangalMar-2022
19TalkNature Inspired Meta-heuristics for Effective ClusteringFDP on "Machine Learning in Speech and Audio Processing"Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, RanchiFeb-2022
20TalkMachine Learning for Seismic Signal ProcessingOnline Winter FDP on Machine Learning Application in Signal Processing and Communication Engineering EICT Academy, IIT GuwahatiJan-2022
21TalkAI applications in Hyperspectral Image AnalysisATAL FDP on "Artificial Intelligence in Image Processing" Indian Institute of Information Technology, NagpurDec-2021
22TalkFundamental of Optimization Techniques & Their ApplicationsAICTE-ISTE-FDP/2021-22 sponsored Induction/Refresher Program on "Optimization in Communication Engg. "G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology and Science, HyderabadDec-2021
23TalkNature Inspired Optimization Techniques and Their Applications in System Automation ATAL FDP on "Trends in Measurement and Control for System Automation"Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi CampusSep-2021
24TalkData Clustering Techniques and Their ApplicationsOnline Faculty Development Program on "Data Mining and Security with Machine Learning"Graduate School of Engineering and Technology, Gujarat Technological UniversityOct-2020
25TalkRecent trends in design of Digital Channel EqualizersTEQIP III Sponsored Two Weeks Online Faculty Development Program on "Recent Research Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering"G.B. PANT INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY PAURI GARHWAL, UTTARAKHANDAug-2020
26TalkData Clustering and its applications in HealthcareTEQIP III Sponsored one week FDP on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in HealthcareBirla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi CampusJul-2020
27KeynoteSocial Spider OptimizationAICTE Sponsored Two weeks Faculty Development Program on "Soft Computing and Data Science"C. V. Raman College of Engineering, BhubaneswarFeb-2020
28TalkMany-Objective B/NSGA-III for Band Selection in Cloud Contaminated Hyper-Spectral Images"18th International Conference on Information Technology (IEEE-ICIT-2019)"IIIT BhubaneswarDec-2019
29TalkClustering Big Datasets Using Orthogonal Gray Wolf Optimizer"18th International Conference on Information Technology (IEEE-ICIT-2019)"IIIT BhubaneswarDec-2019
30KeynoteSupervised and Unsupervised Learning TechniquesAICTE sponsored one week STTP on Theory & Appln of Machine Learning Data Analytics C. V. Raman College of Engineering, BhubaneswarDec-2019
31KeynoteRecent advancements in Adaptive Signal Processing Techniques and ApplicationsShort Term Course "Research Trends in Frontier areas of Electronics & Comm. in Industry & Academia"Department of Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology, UttarakhandSep-2019
32KeynoteRecent advancement in Nature Inspired Clustering & its applications to communications"TEQIP-III sponsored One Week FDP on Recent Trends in Electronics & Communication Engineering"Institute of Engineering & Technology, Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Khandari Campus, AgraJul-2019
33TalkA Binary NSGA-III for Unsupervised Band Selection in Hyper-spectral Satellite Images"2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC-2019)"Wellington, New ZealandJun-2019
34TalkClustering Networks based on Physarum Optimization for Seismic Catalogs Analysis"2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC-2019)"Wellington, New ZealandJun-2019
35KeynoteDesign of Digital Channel Equalizer using Intelligent AlgorithmsOne Week FDP on New Waves in Communications & NetworksE&ICT Academy, MNIT JaipurMar-2019
36KeynoteFundamentals of Neural Network and Evolutionary ComputationDST Rajasthan sponsored "National Workshop on Artificial Intelligence with Deep Learning"Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan (SKIT, Jaipur)Mar-2019
37KeynoteNature Inspired algorithms for machine learning TEQIP-III sponsored National Workshop on "Deep Learning and Internet of Things"Dept. of Electronics & Comm. Engg., University Institute of Engg. & Tech., Kurukshetra University Jan-2019
38KeynoteClassical Optimization TechniquesOne Week FDP on Energy and Power Systems Optimization using GAMS E&ICT Academy, MNIT JaipurJan-2019
39TalkElephant Herding Algorithm for Clustering"Springer 2nd International Conf. on Computing & Communications (Springer-IC3-2018)"Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology SikkimMar-2018
40TalkA Variable -DBSCAN Algorithm for Declustering Earthquake Catalogs"7th International Conf. Soft Computing for Problem Solving (Springer-SocProS-2017)"IIT BhubaneswarDec-2017
41KeynoteNature Inspired Meta-Heuristic for Data Clustering"Springer 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM-2017)"Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla, OdishaNov-2017
42TalkDe-clustering of an earthquake catalog based on ergodicity using parallel Grey Wolf Optimization"IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE-CEC-2017)"San Sebastian, SpainJun-2017
43TalkPositioning LED Panel for Uniform Illuminance in Indoor VLC System using Whale Optimization"International Conf. on Optical and Wireless Technologies (Springer-OWT-2017)"MNIT JaipurMar-2017
44TalkCluster Analysis of Evolving Data Streams using Centroid Initialization Method"IEEE 3rd International Conference UPCON"IIT BHU (Banaras Hindu University)Dec-2016